45. Personal #imagine for MaritMalik :)

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To be honest, I have never been in starbucks before... #ashamed

so I'll just try to imagine it hih! :) x


I was just done working and crave for a chocolate cream chip from Starbucks, since it was just around the corner, I decided to get one and just relax a bit while having my well-deserved drink.

Once I walked into starbucks, I realized how crowded and busy it was here, then I noticed it, Niall Horan, the famous Niall Horan, was sitting at a table in star bucks, girls all around him, but he didn't seem to care or notice them, he was in his own little world.

I ordered my drink and sat at a table on the other side of where Niall was sitting, I wanted it to be a little more quiet, since a small headache was forming, I rubbed the sides of my head. I took a zip of my drink and looked around, it was getting louder and louder, I brushed my hand through my blonde hair and saw that Niall was coming over to me.

'Hi, can I join you? it'd be nice to have someone normal to talk to.' His adorable Irish accent sounded through my ears.

'U-uh yeah, b-but I'm not normal.' I lightly stuttered, of course I'm a huge fan of One Direction, but I don't like crowds or something, I like it quiet.

'What's your name?' He said while sliding into the booth across from me.

'I'm Marit..' I answered, I looked at him and blushed.

'Well, my name's Niall, but I think you already knew that.' He smiled at me, his teeth showing, his beautiful teeth, oh god, what am I saying?

'Yeah, I do know..' I shyly answered and looked at him, my eyes locked on his.

'Your eyes are beautiful love, they remind me of the sea.' He said cheekily, obviously flirting.

I laughed. 'Thank you, but I think you're the one here with the pretty eyes.' 

'Thanks, people seem to like them, indeed.' He chuckled.

'So, do you want me to walk you home? it'd be awesome to know a bit more about you.' 

'Yeah, if you want to.' I smiled at him and he stood up, offering me his hand and I swiftly got up, taking my cup and purse before leaving with Niall, who firmly opened the door for me.

'So, what about I ask you some things and you answer them truthfully?' 

'Okay, shoot.' I chuckled, I feel so comfortable around him somehow, he made me feel like I've known him for years.



'Favorite color?'


'SAME! Favorite food?' 

'I don't have any, I love a lot of food.' 

'Good answer.. I might actually like you.. What did you think when you saw me in starbucks?' 

'Oh that's mean!' 

'You agreed!' 

'Okay, I thought I was lucky that I had now seen you in real life, but I was kinda annoyed by the loud noise all those girls made.' I chuckled. 'I'm sorry.' 

'Don't be, it's... cute.' He said, thinking about what to say.

'We're almost at my house.' I said, pointing at my flat.

'Oh, too bad.. well, can I at least have your number? Or didn't I make a good expression towards you?'

'You did, and yes you can have it.' I smiled at him and he gave me his phone, I put my number in it and returned it.

'Marit, thank you for coming to starbucks today, I'll see you soon hopefully.' He said, hugged me and kissed my cheek, we had been in front of my flat and he left, waving to me as he walked away.

I smiled to myself, unlocking my door, Thank you starbucks, you just made this the best day of my life.

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