95. #imagine with any boy

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We sat cuddled up on the couch, singing along to the songs that came from my spotify list.

"This is critical, and I'm feeling helpless, so hysterical this can't be healthy. I can't eat or sleep when you're not with me, baby you're the air I breathe, this is critical, yeah. So stuck on you. Used to have everything figured out but it's different, when you came you saw you conquered my heart. It's your heart and your smile, just stay for a little while.." I sang, tears forming in my eyes because of the memories from this song.

'This is a song I used to sing about you..' I blushed. 'And this one, Can't get over you, it speaks for itself.' I chuckled.

'You're too cute.' He said, stroking my hair sweetly. 'Do you give every song a meaning?'

'Yeah, kinda.' I confessed. 'Some of them are very meaningful, they make me think of something I experienced, good or bad.'

'And this one?' He asked as we listened to It's Not Too Late by Demi Lovato. 'What does this one mean?'

'This one is mainly about when I feel not good enough, like when I feel like I've messed something up.' I said. 'The lyrics say it all.. I have a lot of those songs.'

'Do you feel not good enough right now?' He asked. 'Just curious..'

'Well..' I said, biting my lip. 'I still feel like I'm annoying you a lot. Like, I'm always cheery until I feel bad and then I'm very moody, and I don't know how you take it. Sometimes you're trying to make me feel better, because you see through me, but sometimes you can't see through me and then it's like you don't really wanna talk to me because I respond very moody.'

He nodded, a sign that he understood what I was saying.

'I hope I'm not annoying you, because I love talking to you.' I rambled, and I put my hands over my mouth.

He chuckled at me and put on another song. 'And this one?'

'This is warrior, this is a song that I listened when I was going a bit better. It stays for being strong, like you are. I envie you so much, because you stay strong everytime, you don't bother others with your problems but face them alone and try to win them. I wish I could help you, of course I do, but it's just so brave of you to that alone.' I smiled. 'I wish I could do that myself, but I got help, from you, from my friends, but I made it.'

'Yeah, but we're different of course. If you had battled it alone, no one would've gotten in. You needed help so you could trust people and start believing not everyone is a bad person.' He said. 'Okay, enough of the talking, let's do something fun.' He said and pushed me against the end of the couch, kissing me on the lips as he leaned over me.

'I think you will have to catch me first.' I smiled and I snuck away from him and ran through the house, searching for a good hiding spot. I sat down on the small sink behind the dryer and the washing machine (we have a little wall thingy, I call it sink here, but we put our hairproducts and stuff on it and it's the best hiding place ever.).

'I will find you!' He called out and walked into the bathroom, checking the shower, the bins with clothes and the cabinets but didn't see me. I bit my hand to keep quiet. He left the bathroom and I could breathe again. I quietly got off it and sat down in the shower, closing my eyes.

Cold water, that's what I felt, and my eyes snapped open. He was laughing at me as I got drenched. I quickly put off the water, my teeth were shattering together because it was really cold.

'I'm sorry, I couldn't resist.' He tried to hold back his laughter.

'I love you too, HUG!' I quickly envelopped him in a hug, making him all wet as well.

'Is this an excuse to shower with you?' He bit his lip and looked at me.

'Well, okay then..'

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