99. #imagine with any boy.

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I walked into the house, making sure I wouldn't drop the groceries. Once I placed everything in the cabinets and the fridge, I sat down on the couch with a cup of tea, watching one of my favourite shows on tv. 

I knew that I would be all alone today, and since he is ill I had nothing to do. 

I sat on the couch doing nothing when I got a text from him.

"Hey baby, wanna come over? We could watch a movie or something because I'm terribly bored :("

I smiled at my phone and texted him back that I'd come over in 15 minutes. I quickly drank my tea and closed the house behind me after I checked my hair. I walked over to the busstation and waited for the bus to come- it was only a 5 minute ride.

I stepped out of the bus after those 5 minutes and walked the familiar way to his house and rang the doorbell. After waiting for a while, he opened the door and lightly smiled at me. His face was pale and he looked like he hadn't slept for days. 'Hey.' He said, he had a voice like someone who was obviously ill.

'Hey, how are you feeling?' I hugged him tightly and put my hand on his cheek for a split second. 

'Could be better, how are you?' He said, pulling me inside and closing the door. 'What do you want to do though?' 

'We could either watch a movie, or play games?' I replied. 'I'm fine, I guess.' I smiled.

We sat down on the couch, where he had been lying- his pillow and duvet were there. 'Games?' He looked at me and I nodded. I looked through his game, chose one and put it in the Xbox, giving him his controller and I grabbed the spare one.

He laid down on the couch partly while I sat at the end of his feet. The game started and the only noises there were, were those of the game and our agressive button-pushing. After several games, which I all lose because he's way better than me, we quit and I gave him some soup.

'Lay with me.' He asked, moving backwards so I could lay down next to him, he instantly wrapped an arm around my waist so I wouldn't fall. 

'Are you feeling better a little?' I looked him in the eyes, and he sighed.

'Not really, but I'm glad you're here.' He smiled.

'You're sweet, go get some sleep.' I said, singing a lullaby as I stroked his hair sweetly. He fell asleep and I just looked at him for a few seconds before I softly untangled myself from him and wrapped him in his duvet. 'I love you.' I whispered and kissed his head.

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