23. Liam #imagine for @DutchiesWants1D

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you need it. so here it is;


From ; Liam.

Hey babe, can you come to the park right now? I need you. xx

To ; Liam 

Yeah, i'll come!

I walked over to the park and saw Liam, I ran over to him, and he smiled at me.

'hey babe.' he smiled at me and wrapped his arms around me to hug me.

'Hi Li.'  I smiled.

'So, basically I wanted to take you somewhere, so let's go.' He said cheekily and reached for my hand, lacing our fingers together and dragging me along to an open field, the first thing I noticed was the huge hot air balloon in the middle. I froze.

'We're going in an hot air balloon?' I asked anxiously.

'Are you afreaid for heights?' he asked, a little disappointment in his voice.

'A little, but it doesn't mind, as long as Í'm with you, it's alright.' I chuckled.

'Well, I'll protect you.' he said, calming me down by rubbing his thumb over the back of my hand.

We walked over to the hot air balloon, Liam lifted me in it and then climbed in himself, which was the funniest thing. He told me that he had praticed by flying in this thing because he wanted to be with only us two. He let the hot air balloon let go of the ground and we flied across London, an incredible view.

'Wow, it's so beautiful.' I said, feeling Liam's arms around my waist and his head on my shoulder.

'Yes it is.'  he smirked. 'nothing better than flying around in a hot air balloon with your girlfriend on a sunny day.'  I laughed at his comment, turning around and grabbing his hands.

'I love you.' I smiled and stood on my toes to kiss him lightly on the lips. He returned it with a lot of passion, and pulled me tight when we pulled away.

'i love you too.' he whispered. We were floating less high than before and I could see the place where we'd land. As soon as we were back on the ground he jumped out and then helped me out, a guy came to get it and then got away quickly.

'So, next thing.' he smiled and took my hand, he walked us to a picnic table and we sat down, he had made it nice and there was an enormous amount of food. 'Sit down m'lady.' he smiled as I sat down, he sat across of me and poured me a drink.

'Why thank you, kind sir.' I said in a posh voice, giggling afterwards and he sent a lovely smile.

'Bon apetite.' he smiled. We both took a few croissants and some other things, and then he grabbed one of the bowls with grapes and strawberries and asked me to come with him.

'It's more fun to have "desert" at a blanket in the middle of nowhere, isn't it?' he mischievously said. I just chuckled and we sat down on the blanket he had.

'mouth open.' he chuckled and threw a grape in. I ate it, it was quite sweet and a little sour; just perfect. I put one of the grapes in his mouth, afraid I'd throw too hard orso.

'This is just a perfect day you know?' Liam said and smiled.

'yes, thank you.' I smiled as he pulled me close, kissed my head and we just looked into the sky, pointing at clouds and giving them names..

'I'm in love with you, and all your little things.'

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