81. Another Personal #imagine for @HeyaDorks with Brittany/Heather

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Hi, another cheer up for you, but now a bit worse. :) 

-Celina, 5th February 2014.

'Mmh, babe, there's someone at the door, let me just open it.' I said in between kisses of my lovely girlfriend, Heather.

Things had gotten a bit steamy earlier, I just had a bath and she just walked in when I was naked, and now I'm lying here, naked on the bed with her on top of me.

'Noooo.' she whined but finally rolled over. 

I stood up, put on my clothes quickly and ran downstairs to open the door. 'Hello, do you want to buy cookies?' 

'No thank you.' I said to the girl, she walked away without saying another word.

I walked back up the stairs and walked back into the bedroom but something had changed;

Heather was now only in her 'Slave for u' costume, and she was lying across the bed with a 'trying-to-look-sexy'-face.

'W-what?' I choked.

'Hey there.' She said, doing a kissy face afterwards. She walked over to me and started kissing me; just as heated as before.

She pushed me onto the bed and crawled on top of me. We kissed a bit longer, she tried to get my clothes off but her cellphone rang.

'Ugh, we can never have a bit of privacy.' She sighed and took her phone, remaining to stay on top of me. 'Hello?' 

She called for a few more minutes before she hang up and sighed. 'I have to shoot some scenes today for Glee, I can keep this outfit on, I guess.' 

'Can I come?' I asked, she nodded. 

'If you think you can handle what's going to happen.' She winked and pressed a kiss to my lips. 

'Should I be scared?' I asked and swallowed loudly. 

'Yes.' She smiled proudly and got off me, starting to get undressed, right in front of me.

'What are you doing?' I mumbled.

She turned around, showing her bare front to me. 'Changing..' She chuckled. 'You've seen me naked before, why is it such a problem now? Did I turn you on earlier?' 

I was dumbfounded, and just looked at her as she started putting on clothes. 'I'll take that as a yes, well good thing it turned me on as well.' She bit her lip.

Jeez, that looks so sexy, let her stop, please!

'Let's go.' She said, I was busy fighting with my mind while she was dressing up, resulting her being all ready to go to the studios.

'Yeah, yeah, let's go!' I took the keys and my phone as we got to the car.

I started the engine, and drove off. She teasingly put her hand on my thigh and rubbed with her thumb along my jeans. 'Stop it Heather, I can't drive like this!' I almost shouted. I tuned up the volume of the music, but rapidly searched for another channel when a One Direction song started playing.

'Ugh, fine.' She huffed. 'I'll get you later.' 

After a good 20 minutes, which was mostly singing along to the songs on the radio, we arrived at the studios and I parked the car. We walked hand in hand towards the right studio and met up with Naya, Lea and Dianna. 

'How are you guys? We haven't spoken in forever!' I said to the girls as Heather walked off to get dressed.

'We're good, how are you?' Naya asked me, I responded about how I had been doing, and well, it was going great with me now.

'We don't have to shoot now, it's just Heather and some other dancers.' Dianna explained just before I was going to ask. 'I do want to watch though.' She winked.

'Yeah, s-same.' I said as Heather came walking towards us in her Slave 4 U costume.

'I'm ready to go, see you soon babe!' Heather gave me a quick kiss and then skipped off, we all made our way to the set and sat down.

'5, 4, 3, 2..' The camera started rolling. 

"What's practical is logical. What the hell, who cares?

All I know is I'm so happy when you're dancing there.

I'm a slave for you. I cannot hold it; I cannot control it.

I'm a slave for you. I won't deny it; I'm not trying to hide it.

Baby, don't you wanna, dance upon me,

(I just wanna dance next to you)

To another time and place.

Baby, don't you wanna, dance upon me,

(Are you ready)

Leaving behind my name, my age.

(Lets go)" The familiar lines were all I heard, and Heather was dancing.

She wasn't just dancing, she was teasing me like hell and it started to annoy me. She looked up at me several times, and at the end started messing up just so she could do the whole thing again and tease the hell out of me.


A few hours later, they were all done with filming and we had decided to go out for dinner with the whole glee cast and eventually their loves.

So with one big group we went to some fancy restaurant, and I sat next to Heather, with Naya across of me.

'I think we will have one great time when we're home tonight.' Heather whispered in my ear, causing me to shiver.

'Naya, do you want to stay over tonight? I feel like having a movie marathon!' I said out of the blue, and looked at our dark-haired friend.

'Um, yeah sure. Do you mind HeMo?' Naya asked, Heather shook her head. 'Then I'd love to join.' 

'Oooooh, movie marathon? Can I join?!' I heard Dianna ask, she was sitting a few seats away from us, in between Lea and Chris.

'Yeah sure, why not!' Heather fake-smiled and shot me a death glare.

'I have to go to the bathroom.. b r b.' I said and got up from my seat with a proud smile on my face.

I walked over to the bathroom, and finished my business and found Heather waiting for me when I was about to wash my hands. 'You are SO gonna get it when we get alone!' 

'We are alone right now?' I laughed when I washed my hands.

'I mean next time!' She tried to be mad, but didn't really succeed.

'Yeah of course.' I walked out of the bathroom and sat back down at the table, smirking.

'What have you done?' Naya asked, noticing my grin.

'I have just got my revenge on Heather.' I said with pride. 'And she's going crazy about it.' 

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