15. Harry #imagine

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I was always a person who loved adventures, I loved climbing mountains, skydiving, everything that gave a little adventure. I did what I liked, all alone, till I met the boy that changed my life.

I was watching some shops, forever 21, coolcat, H&M, when I heard a lot of screams. I looked around and saw a few boys running down the streets and a lot of girls followed them, they came near me, and a curly-haired boy bumped into me, we both fell down, but he picked me up and ran with me, getting to a quiet place before checking on me, and himself.

‘sorry about that.. are you alright?’ his green orbs pierced into mine.

‘yeah, my knee hurts a bit, but it’s okay.’ I smiled at him. ‘how are you?’

‘I have nothing, I fell on you.. for most of my body then. Let me see you knee.’ He said with his quite cute voice.

I rolled up the sleeve of my jeans, so he could check on my knee.

‘it’s only a quite big scratch, nothing really worse, come on, I’ll get it cleaned, we’re near our homes.’ He said and we walked over to his house, which was in the street we were walking.

The other 4 boys followed us, as the curly-haired boy held an arm around my waist.

‘so, what’s your name?’ he asked as he sat me on the table, cleaning the wound.

‘[your name] and I think I know yours..’ I smiled.

‘yeah, I’m Harry.’ He gave me a wink and continued.

The other 4 boys came in with drinks and snacks, all asking for my name.

‘I’m [your name].’ I said once again.

‘you’re forced to watch a movie with us!’ the one with blonde hair, I think his name was Niall, said. ‘but don’t eat all the food, that’s what I’m for!’

‘I won’t eat your food Niall.’ I chuckled.

Harry bandaged my knee and helped me of the table, holding my waist as he did so.

‘and if you’re scared, I’m right here.’ He whispered and leaded me to the couch, he sat next to me.

They got The Ring 2 in the DVD-player and closed the curtains so it was completely dark.

Harry gave me a drink and got one of the 5 bowls popcorn on his lap to share with me, and I crawled next to him, knowing I had bad memories with The Ring. 

We watched the movie and i was hiding into Harry's shoulder most of the time. 

'it's finished babe.' he chuckled and i sighed relieved until my phone started ringing.

i grabbed it and saw a unknown number. 

'hello?' i said as i took it.

'seven days.... seven days...' i froze as i heard those words, then i noticed 3/5 of the boys gone.

'are they trying to make fun of me? then they succeeded, i think i'm going home..' i said and got up.

'babe, please, let them go, and if they try something, i'll protect you..' he said soothingly, pulling me back on the couch, on his lap.

'it's not funny, i'm really scared.' i said, trying to hold back tears.

'i know.. come on, i'll take you to my room, they won't be getting in there.' he wrapped his arms around me and we walked through the corridor to his room.

just before he opened the door, they scared us, sneaking to us and screaming 'BOO' out loud. i screamed and hid myself into Harry, the boys laughing their asses off.

'boys! not funny, you scare the crap out of this beautiful girl, why'd you do that? come on, what she did to you?' Harry snapped.

'sorry man.' Louis said between fits of laughter. 'we just like it when someone's scared.' 

'but you make her so damn scared, not even healthy anymore.' he said and rubbed my back sweetly.

he made me loosen my grip on him and faced me. 'don't be scared, they'll get what they deserve.' 

the boys left and it was just Harry and me.

'so.. you think i'm beautiful? need some glasses there?' i said, smiling a light smile.

'you are beautiful babe, really, inside and outside.' he said and stroke his cheek. 'want to stay here a bit longer or do you want to go home?' 

'if they're planning something else, i'd rather go home.' i said, looking at my hands, which he held in his, he noticed and entwined them.

'i bet they won't try something again after i snapped to them, it helps most of the time.' he said and smiled at me.

'what time is it though? i think it's quite late.' 

'it's 9 pm.. you can stay over if you want to.' he smiled.

'i only know you since today!' i said.

'but i like you already.' he said and i looked up into his eyes.

he was looking at me lips and leaned in, slowly and nicely kissing my lips.

Wooohooo :) xx

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