16. Niall #imagine.

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I laid on Niall’s lap as we were watching TV. The others were messing around in several rooms from here and sometimes they just made a lot of noise or we got hit by a paper airplane. 

‘how did I ever get you?’ I whispered and he wrapped his arms around my wait and I laid my hands on his. 

‘well, you met us, told us what you thought and made me fall for you with the sweet and true words you spoke. You were so attractive that I had to get you.’ He smiled and kissed my hair. 

I lifted up one of our hands and leaned my head on it. 

‘so the truth can lead to a good and perfect relationship?’ I chuckled. I felt that he was nodding and leaned my head to his shoulder and tried to turn both of us so I could face him. 

I gave him a crooked smile and he stole a little kiss. 

I closed my eyes, laying against him and just thinking about us. Before anyone could notice, I fell asleep. 


I woke up in Niall’s arms, not long after I fell asleep. 

‘hey babe.’ He smirked. 

‘hi Nialler.’ I rubbed my eyes and crawled more into him. ‘what time is it?’ I asked and sighed lightly. 

‘9 pm, you slept only half an hour.’ He said and stroked my cheek. 

‘felt longer though.’ I chuckled. 

His grip loosened a bit and he laid on the same height as me, looking into my eyes. 

‘time flies by when you have fun.’ He breathed and I laughed, he was so weird sometimes. 

‘did I have fun in my dream then? How’d you know?’ I asked, teasing him by poking his belly. 

‘well, you made quite strange noises like you wanted to talk, but you don’t talk but mumble, and well, then I looked at you and you had a little smile plastered on your face. It looked so cute and peaceful, it must’ve been a good dream.’ 

‘yes it was, you were in there.’ I smiled. 

‘ah, and then it’s a good dream? Because I can also eat you!’ he said and climbed on top of me, pretending that he would eat me. 

‘NO, Niall get off! Seriously.’ I screamed. It only made him tickle and tease me even more, making me scream louder until Louis came running in. 

‘LOUIS TO THE RESCUE! What’s your problem young woman?’ 

‘he’s killing me.’ I pouted. 

‘YOUNG WOMAN, YOU CAN’T JUST BLAME NIALL. NO ONE DOES. Wait, we do.. NO ONE DOES.’ He said and walked out. 

‘he’s not helping, Niall please get off me?’ I pulled out my lip at him and it made him back off. 

‘kiss me.’ He demanded. 

‘no.’ I tried to get off the couch but he forced me to come back, holding a firm grip on my arm. 

‘kiss me.’ He said once again. 


‘because otherwise I’d have to kill you.’ 

‘HA I GOT PROVE, NOW YOU CAN BLAME NIALL.’ Louis came in and tried to safe me by lifting me up and running around the house. 

‘Thanks Lou, but you can put me down now.’ 

‘no, he’s dangerous.’ 


‘Louis, please put her down, come on, you’re 20, not 12.’ Eleanor walked over to us and helped me. ‘besides, I didn’t even get a welcome hug yet!’ 

He put me down and I ran over to give her a hug. ‘thanks for rescuing me!’ I chuckled. 

‘no problem babe, and I would get out if I were you because he’s staring menacingly at you, chop chop!’ 

I ran over to Niall, kissed his cheek and left for bed, since it was almost 11 pm by now. 

‘babe what you doing?’ Niall walked in as I changed into my PJ’s. 

‘I’m going to sleep, I’m exhausted!’ I said. 

‘but.. I want a cuddle buddy on the couch.’ He pouted at me. 

‘I bet Louis got some place for you.’ 

‘but you’re my one and only cuddle buddy!’ he whined. 

‘can you get a pillow and a blanket with you? Then I’ll sleep on you.’ I smirked. 

He got one, taking me totally serious and dragged me downstairs, making himself comfortable and creating a place to lay down for me. 

‘lay down, my precious.’ He chuckled and held the blanket up for me. I climbed on the couch, trying to avoid his legs and laying down with my head on the pillow, which laid on height of his waist. 

‘sleep well, m’lady.’ He smiled and kissed my head. 

I mumbled a ‘goodnight’ and let my eyes close slowly, falling into a deep sleep. 

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