61. imagine with Louis

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personal for someone who asked for one by Judith xx


‘Babe, hurry up, we’ve got to go!’ I heard Louis shout from upstairs. I quickly wiped my tears and got my suitcase.

Let me explain you, I chose an exchange project of school and I was coupled with Louis Tomlinson. He’s very sweet and caring and.. well perfect dream boy. It was now time for me to go, after spending a whole day, enjoying all of London.

He told me all about him; he wanted to be a singer later and would audition for the X factor later this year, I met his lovely family, they’re all very nice and I got to meet his friends, they were all nice too.

We partied a lot and well, to be honest I enveloped a crush on him.  I know it’s so fast and everything, but he’s so sweet, so caring, so honest.. it feels so comfortable around him.

I felt like crying all the time and when I was packing, I couldn’t hold back the tears, I took my suitcase down and looked at him.

‘We’re first going to the shops, getting things for tonight because I have a party for someone’s birthday and then we’re going to some place which I want to show, and then it’s time for you to leave..’ He said and smiled weakly. ‘I don’t want you to leave! It’s so much fun with you.’

‘Same I don’t wanna leave either!’ I said and he opened the door for me, his dad got out of the living room and we got into their car.

We drove to the shops, got the things they needed and left for the place they wanted to show us.

‘We’re just going to have a drink and then waiting till my dad can get what he wanted to get, he waits for a guy.’ Louis told me as we walked into some pub. We had a quick drink and got to the square with the London eye.

I was looking at it in awe and his dad kept saying ‘Picture time!’

We posed together, his arm around my waist, my arm around him as his dad snapped a picture on Louis’ phone, once it was done we got over to him to watch the picture, it was cute, we looked like a couple.

‘Cute.’ His dad said.

The guy his dad was waiting for arrived and he got something of him, then we went back to the car and I realized this was one of the last hours here.

Once we were back at his house, we had a quick lunch and we went out for coffee, before we made pictures with the whole family as a reminder for us all.

Too bad for me, it was the last moment here, we had to leave for the airport.

We got into the car and we had a quick look at each other, there were nice songs on radio, we both sang along while I looked at him some times, he was so cute and handsome..

It seemed like only a few seconds before we were there, it was around half an hour though! We searched the others of my group where I travelled with and we waited till we had to go.

‘So, I think this is it..’ His dad said, he hugged me and gave me a kiss on the cheek, then his mum did the same.

Louis walked over to me and hugged me tightly, then he gave me two kisses on the cheek.

I didn’t wanna let go, everyone was saying goodbye to their exchange partner, and some of them were already crying, which made me go emotional too.

He hugged me again before I had to get my boarding pass, once I got it, I started crying, one of the other girls hugged me before he sheepishly walked over to me.

‘Are you crying? Come on, hug!’ He said and enveloped me in another hug.

‘Now go, I’ll miss you.’ He said and let go of me, I had to check in.

I told him I missed him too and I left, waving at him as I looked back.

Only one month.. then I’d see him again.

I watched my phone 10 minutes later, I send him a text:


Missing you already, we’re all crying! See you soon. Love, [your name].

He immediately sent something back, it made me cry, I was so happy with this boy as my exchange partner.


I’m crying, Miss you too! See you soon!!! Love, Louis.

Yes, I’m so lucky.

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