21. Niall #imagine for @Niamhloves1D_99

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so, i really got no inspiration at all, and i'm listening quite sad music, so i'm sorry if it gets emotional and crap and all.. x.


'can i come over Niall?' i sighed while being on the phone with my best friend.

' you can always come over babe.' he said, chuckling slightly.

'will be there soon then, see ya.' i hung up and got my shoes on, looked in the mirror, refreshed myself a bit, removing the tears which were stained on my face, redid my make up as fast as i could and walked over to Niall's.

he had been my best friend for years, he was always there for me, on tour or not, recording or not. most of the time he needed me, i never really had problems or so, and sometimes he just couldn't the stress of being famous and came to me to relax a bit. one thing he didn't know; i wish i could be his princess. he always flirted with me, and really, that boy would be the dead of me. it wasn't just a crush, i was in love. he knew i liked him, but not that it was at this stage.

i knocked on the door since his doorbell never worked and he opened it, pulling me into a bone-crushing hug and swirling me around a little. i giggled in his arms as he put me down slowly.

'how have you been darling' ?' he asked me as we were sat on the couch with some tea and of course, a packet of oreo, well, to be honest, 2, because he would eat more than one whole packet. i chuckled at the thought.

'what was it that you wanted to come over all of a sudden? did Austin do something?' he asked.

Austin WAS my boyfriend, i found him cheating on me last week, but didn't tell Niall yet, he was busy so i better didn't disturb him.

'erm.. yeh, kinda.. you were kind of busy last week and i didn't want to disturb you, he cheated on me, it's over.' i said, looking at the teacup in my hands, he took it and placed it on the table, lifting up my chin.

'really? you thought i wouldn't come over and comfort you because i was busy? Niamh you're the most important person in my life! you had to tell me.. but okay, i understand, how've you been doing since then? wait, i know the answer on it, COME HERE YOU.' he said, i let out a little chuckle and he pulled me on his lap, kissing my head and hugging me tightly. 

that's what i loved about our friendship, he wasn't afraid to kiss my forehead, or my cheek, he thought it was normal to hold my hand while there were papz all over. i loved him for that.

'i've been doing alright, it's kinda hard, but i'll get through it.' i had some fresh tears rolling down my cheeks.

'come on babe, i know what to do to cheer you up.' he smiled his cute smile, his adorable, sweet, cute, perfect, mesmerising smile at me and took my hand, pulling me outside and walking for a little while with me.

we stopped in the park, the little bench that was like ours, we sat down at looked above us.

'you see those stars babe? they all shine for you. i would catch one for you if i could, i'd do everything for you.' he smiled.

'you're too sweet Niall.' i looked at him and tried to get a proper smile, but failed epicly because i was busily fighting in my mind.

kiss him. yes. no. yes. no. yes. no. 

'Niamh, do you.. still like me, like you did?' he asked all of a sudden.

'i.. erm.. well..' i stumbled a bit.

'i get it. wait, let me try something, close your eyes and don't move!' he chuckled.

i closed my eyes, trying not to move, but i couldn't help but giggle lightly.

i suddenly felt his lips on mine, they moved so peacefully and sweetly with mine.

'because i was jealous of the prick that used to be your boyfriend.' he said and wrapped his arms around me.

'i love you Niall Horan.' 

'i love you more, Niamh Horan.' he chuckled and descended his lips on mine once again.


okay. tell me you  didn't see that one coming.

is it long?



let's just pretend we never did the discussion, you will fail epicly. like always because i won't give in at all.

love ya.

xxx -Celina

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