14. Niall #imagine for @1DMaddiOfficial < nice name! :)

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Soooooo i gave you number 7, just because i like it.

i'm sorry that it's going to be rubbish what you read, because im still ill and all but i just wanna write :D.


your POV :). 

i was sneaking around the neighborhood with my gun in my hands, looking around me all the time, knowing Niall would be near me. As soon as i saw him, and i was close enough, i shoot, SPLASH, water on his back, i hid quickly before he turned around again, and again i shoot some water, but now he turned around, so it was right in his face. I started running and was giggling, it got me really tired so i stopped and surrendered.

'Give up already babe?' he smirked at me, coming closer step by step.

'yeah, you're faster and i don't want to get tired, so shoot me, so we can get some new water.' i smiled. 

He didn't do as i said, he just came closer menacingly and hugged me. He pulled away only a little and shoot inside of my shirt, i squealed but didn't do anything but shiver. 

I heard his very cute laughter and he took my hand to go home, getting new water. He smiled proudly as people walked by, knowing i was HIS girlfriend. We stopped in front of our house and got some new water in our water guns. I filled a bucket as well, and took it with me, putting it down on the grass in the middle. 

i sat down and just looked at Niall who was still filling his gun, and he walked over to me, struggling on something and falling on my lap, making me laugh.

'Such a good fall Nialler.' i laughed, falling backwards on the grass.

'YOU KNOW YOU LOVE ME.' he yelled and pouted, sitting on my belly and holding his gun in front of me. 'say it!' he smiled.


he held the gun closer.

'Say it.' he said once again.

'No, why would i? you know i love you.' i giggled and he shoot me right in the face.

'IT'S ON.' i yelled and tried to get out, but i kept struggling, he was sitting correctly on the right place. 

he got the bucket and before i could make a perfect O with my mouth, it was all over me. 

i started shivering heavily and he hugged me closed to his chest. 

'let's get inside babe, it's getting cold.' he said and helped me up, getting the water guns and walking inside with me. 

We got changed, got something to drink and laid down in the sun in our backyard.

'great day with a perfect girl.' he cheekily said.

'perfect day with an even more perfect boy.' i stuck my tongue out and laid against him, kissing his cheek and just enjoying the sunny weather. 


so i hope you liked it! :)

and i did get you on the beginning right? ^-^

-Celina (@chasingtommo)

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