69. #imagine with Harry.

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  • Dedicated to my friend <3

I feel so pervy because 69 and i'm laughing so hard.

This imagine is one I wrote because I feel like total shit about something that's really going on right now. Although I changed it a little, because Harry had to fit in. Don't ask me about this and everything, I will cry whenever someone starts about it, or mentions the girl this is about.


I came home from a hectic day of school. I got some horrible news, again. I closed the door behind me and slid down to the ground, my back against the door. I started crying, letting go what I held in all day.

"She won't be coming back soon, she tried it again." My mentor had said. I knew who, I knew what. It was one of my best friends. I've never been good at makig friends, but she was one of those few I have. 

She tried to make an end of it. her life. 

I cried harder thinking about it. It wasn't the first time she tried, but the extra information along with it today, was so painful. She had said her goodbyes, not literally, but for her, the last time she was at school, she said her goodbyes to us. The day after, saturdays, she had friends over and had a good time, we thought it was going well with her, but no.

She had written a letter, and then tried it again that evening, or the day after, I don't know.

I remember the sight of my mentor crying, of course it also does a lot to her, just like it affects me.

"What if she does try again and succeeds?"

"What can I do now when she's not here and what will happen with our project, it isn't done and I can't do it alone." 

I started stressing. I stood up when I heard a car door. I didn't think about Harry, my long term boyfriend. I quickly dried my tears and made my way to the couch, hoping my eyes wouldn't give away the fact that I was crying. The front door opened and I heard Harry shout a goodbye to whoever brought him home.

The door closed and I heard the zipper of his coat, he was rubbing his hands together as he walked into the living room. 

'Hey babe.' He flashed a smile at me, but it vanished as soon as he saw my face, it was replaced with concern.

'Hey.' My voice sounded sad. damn.

'What's wrong?' He came over and took me in his arms. I hid my face in his shoulder, fresh tears making its way down.

'Take your time, I'm home now, love.' He kissed my hair and rubbed my back comfortingly.

'She had another..' I choked and hiccuped.

'Another..' He asked carefully, trying to calm me down.

'Attempt.' I looked straight into his eyes, saying it.

'Oh wow.' He managed to get out.

Of course he knew, I told him everything.

'Do your parents know?' He asked after a while.

'A little, they don't understand me that well, so I only tell the things they need to know because of school.' I whispered.

'I feel quite honored, you show no one but me the real you.. not even your family.' He chuckled lightly.

'I feel like a burden though, so much happened around me these last few months, I'm so thankful you're here, since no one else is.' 

'even though I can't fix it, doesn't mean I won't be here to help you along the way. I love you and want to see you smile, no matter what.' 

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