98. #imagine with any boy.

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'NO, no no no !' I yelped and tried to get away. He immediately grabbed me by the waist and looked at me menacingly. 'Please no!' 

Once again I tried to get away, and I succeeded. I stood behind the couch and moved away from him every time he did a step. 

'Tell me!' He demanded, but I shook my head. 'I won't use it against you or anything!' 

'When you know what it is, you certainly will!' I shrieked.

'No I won't!' He said. 'I think I just have to tickle it out of you.' 

My head went from slightly scared to terrified. 'NO!' 

'Ticklish, maybe?' He smirked. 

'No...' I lied. 

He quickly tried to catch me, and succeeded because I didn't expect him to do that. 'Tell me or I will tickle you.' 

'Ugh okay, but let me go first!' I begged. 'Pleaaaaase!' 

'Fine, but tell me or I will catch you again and punish you.' He said and his arms left my body.

'Whenever someone either pokes me or tickles me, I go mad and some obnoxious and stupid high-pitched noise comes out of my mouth. People always say it's cute but I really hate it and everyone always uses it against me.' I rolled my eyes. 'YOU CAN'T USE IT AGAINST ME BECAUSE YOU PROMISED!' I yelled as he came closer.

'Who said I was going to do that? But well, if you don't want a hug..' He said. 'It's alright, I see how this is..' 

'As long as you don't poke or tickle me, you can get a hug..' I said, looking down at the ground. 

'Come here then.' He said, opening his arms for me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled my close to him, hugging me close to his body. He then suddenly poked me, causing me to have that obnoxious high-pitched squeal. 'It really is cute!' He laughed.

'I hate you.' I whined and tried to get away, but once again he wouldn't let me. 

'It's cute.' He said. 'Say it or I'll tickle you.' 

'It's not cute.' I said confidently, before I knew I was on the ground being tickled. I giggled and every now and then, that squeal would return. 'LET ME GO!' I choked, trying my hardest to get away - kicking, hitting, everything I tried to break free.

'Never!' He chuckled and easily kept on tickling me, until I pinched him in the arm.

'That'll teach you!' I pouted as he let go of me.

'You hurt me, I didn't really hurt you!' He whined at me, holding his arm out towards me. 'Kiss it better.' 

'No, you broke your promise, now I won't kiss it better!' I crossed my arms. 

'Pleaaaaase?' He did the puppydog eyes at me - something I seriously can't stand.

'Only if you promise to hold yourself from tickling me and poking me.' I said, holding out my pinky. 

'Okay okay.' He said and pinkysweared it to me. I then kissed his arm on the spot I pinched him. 

'All better.' I smiled. 

'I think my lips are hurting too..' He teasingly said.


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