73. Personal #imagine for Ambabambaxo with Louis.

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Hi :) I'm sorry it took so long to write, I'm so terrible on wattpad because of school (hate hate hate hate hate!!!) I hope you like it though, otherwise all the waiting was for nothing.. bluh.

New city, new surroundings, new life. That's what just happened to me, I had to leave Edinburgh for Doncaster, and now I probably am going to be the 'scottish girl with the weird accent' or so. My parents just dragged along and told me it'd be okay. They say my accent isn't really scottish and that I'll be popular at school.

Well, I'm not. I'm the new girl and they all hate me. At least, it feels like it. They all watch me when I walk through the halls, no one ever wanted to sit next to me, or with me in the breaks. 

It's been 2 months since I got here and I have NO friends.

'Hi, can I sit here?' I heard a voice behind me. I turned my head and nodded.

'Why would you want to sit here, no one ever wants to.' I said, not looking at the boy that just took a seat next to me.

'I just transferred here, and I saw you sitting alone, so I thought..' I sensed he was looking at me. 'I'm Louis, what's your name?' 

I looked up at him and told him my name. Louis had brown hair and beautiful blue eyes. He was constantly smiling and he seemed like an hyperactive kid that can't stand any sugar.

'Beautiful name! Do we have any classes together?' He showed me his timetable, and I grabbed mine. 'Mmmh, English class.. PE, oh nice! Maths, Music, woow, quite a lot if you ask me.' 

'Yeah, and I'm the only one sitting alone in those classes, or in PE the only one who has to be coupled with people.' 

'Good, now you've got someone at least, and it's going to be awesome.' 

That flashback was before the popular kids took him away from me. It's awkward to sit next to him now, and it hurts to know he was 'my friend' for a few days. I even cried about this, is that weird? 

Now he's got ditched by the popular kids, I have no idea why. He tried coming here but I always told him to go away, he hurt me badly and I don't want anymore pain than I already have. I just wanna go back to Scotland.

'There's someone at the door for you.' My mum screamed up the stairs, I came walking down and then saw Louis, once again.

'Go away.' I hissed and was about to close the door when he stopped me. 

'Let me apologize, please.' He begged.

'Why would I? You looked fine with those people, suddenly they ditched you, like you did with me. Now you know how it feels.' I said, still trying to close the door.

'You know why they ditched me? I was standing up for you. They said mean things about you and I tried stopping them. They are freaking jealous of you. I admire you, you are so strong for being alone in that school, it's so fucked up! You know they won't be any different, but I'm not one of them, I am different.' 

'Come on in.' I opened the door so he could come in and we went to my room.

'I really like you, seriously. You're fun to be around but you've hurt me.' 

'I know, but please.. forgive me.' He looked at me, and then I nodded.

'Good, now give me a good hug.' 

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