52. Personal #imagine for @1DGirlsxox :)

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Sorry it took so long x.


It had been snowing all night and I was excited to have a snowball fight with my boyfriend and his bandmates.

'Wake up Zayn! there's loaaads of snow!' I squealed and tried waking up my boyfriend, which was impossible. 

I had given up, got into some warm clothes and started making breakfast. 

'Hey babe.' I heard from behind me, cold hands crawling underneath my top around my waist.

'Hi Zayn.' I smiled and looked around, he was shirtless and not really awake yet.

'Snowball fight today, remember? The boys come in an hour!' I said, finishing breakfast and sitting down at the table after giving Zayn a kiss.

We both ate quickly and got ready to go outside and just when we finished, the boys came in, and immediately got out again because we'd start immediately.

We teamed up of course, we were with 8, zo the teams were; Zayn, me, Eleanor, Louis against Harry, Niall, Danielle and Liam. We had the best team, Louis and Zayn were the best and Eleanor and me weren't that bad either.

We made a fort as the boys protected us a bit and Zayn and I hid behind it, Louis and Eleanor sneaked up to the others and attack them.

'Hey babe, it's so awesome that you join with everything, the boys really like you.' Zayn whispered, looking at me.

'Good, I like them too, but I like you more.' I cheekily smiled and he chuckled, pressing a kiss on my cold lips, his were awkwardly enough, still warm.

'I love you, come on, let's get them!' He said, getting up and throwing some at Niall and Harry, I did the same, hitting Niall in his face.

'Sorry!' I shouted when we stopped for a few seconds.

'No problem!' He laughed.

'EVERYONE FOR HIS OR HER OWN.' Zayn looked around and winked at me, I ran away and he followed me, catching up on me and wrapping his arm around me, throwing snow all over me and I shivered when it hit my body, it was so cold!

'Zayn, let me go, I'm freezing!' I whined and he stopped, wrapping me into a hug and looking at me.

'I'm sorry, want me to warm you up?' He said sweetly, I nodded.

'Please?' He leaned in and kissed my lips, we got hit by several snowballs and had to pull away, Harry and Niall had ruined it.

'GET THEM!' Zayn yelled and took my hand, trying to catch the boys who just ruined one of the sweetest moment of my life.

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