67. Personal #imagine for Savannah54321 with Harry.

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First of all; I'm not used to writing with stuttering, like you told me you did, so I will try but it can be pretty bad :/ and second of all, thank you for sending the request ! :)

hope you like it.

-Celina xx.

Tired and all alone I was lying in bed, waiting for my boyfriend to come home.

It was a cold friday evening, and he had to record songs till late, I knew it could be hours before he would be home, but I didn't  mind.

I liked lying in bed, just lying, you start thinking of everything that comes up in your mind, and those are the weirdest things you can possibly imagine; what you and your partner once did, or what you're going to eat tomorrow.. 

What was on my mind, was a bit less positive. I though about why he chose me, of course I'd been thinking about that a lot, tearing myself down and losing my self-esteem, but this time, I wasn't tearing myself down, I was trying to see the positive things in me, for the things I made Harry choose for me.

I still think his secret pleasure is a stutter, like I have, because whenever I stutter, he starts to crack that beautiful smile, showing off his dimples, and that's kind of creeping me out sometimes. 

He might like my eyes as well, although his are perfectly green and mine couldn't be as beautiful, he still might like them.

Then my smile maybe, I don't have any crooked teeth- not that it's a bad thing to have crooked teeth, Niall nailed that look.

What else? Maybe my personality? I love to help people, sometimes I want to help them so badly that I put them in front of myself.. oh that's pretty worrying but still, it's a beautiful thing... right?

I heard the front door close, it was now 11 PM, I'd been lying in bed for 3 hours, thinking and listening music, time goes fast when you're thinking..

'Baaaaabe?' I heard his raspy voice yell through the house, I got up from my warm bed, immediately regretting it, and walking down the stairs.

'I-I'm here H-harry!' I yelled back, I sighed because of that annoying stutter.

'I see, hello baby!' He enveloped me in a hug as soon as I was standing on the last step of the stairs, he twirled me around, causing me to chuckle.

'H-how was y-yo-our d-day?' Again he smiled, he was trailing his hands to the insides of my shirts, his cold, cold hands touching the bare skin of my neck, his face slowly burying itself in the crook of my neck.

'I missed you, but it was fun, I guess.' He smiled and placed a soft kiss on my neck, his cold lips making my neck tingle. 'How was your day?' 

'Boring.. I-I d-didn't really d-do any- any- anything.' I shivered lightly as he pulled me closer to his body, overall he was still cold because he had to walk home from the studio, which is 3 blocks away from here.

'Are you cold babe?' He asked, looking at me as I buried my head into his shoulder, I just lightly nodded and he took me into the living room.

'Let's get you a blanket, some tea and you, you choose a movie we're gonna watch, I'll be right back.' He placed a soft kiss on my forehead and left the room.

I went through all the movies we have, and chose Love Actually, just because I love this movie soooo much! I put it in and sat back on the couch.

'I'm back with the blanket babe, now I'm getting the tea ready, could you check the cabinets for some sort of snack or something?' He offered me his hand and helped me stand up, the he twirled me around and helped me into the kitchen. 

I noticed he changed into sweatpants and a hoodie as I searched for popcorn in the cabinets, once I'd found it, I put it in the microwave and grabbed a bowl.

'Perfect!' I heard Harry mumble and then he got the tea and walked to the couch, placing the cups on the table before returning to me.

'A lovely night with my girlfriend, about to cuddle with her on the couch, watching a movie, having tea and popcorn. This can't be more perfect.' He made me face him and smiled, placing a soft kiss on my lips.

I'm so lucky to have him.

Personal #imagines.Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora