70. Personal #imagine for Celina_Ballerina

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I'm very sorry It's up THIS late! I had noooo time at all! :( 

Hope you like it.


'I DON'T COMPARE US TO THEM, I NEVER DID.' He defended himself.

'You do..' I cried, 'last week you said "why don't we go out like they do?' and things like that, you always compares us to them... Harry, we're not Louis and Eleanor.' My voice ended in a whisper.

'I don't! I FREAKING DON'T!' He yelled.

'YOU DO HARRY, YOU DON'T SEEM TO NOTICE IT, BUT IT'S ALWAYS ABOUT THEM AND HOW MUCH YOU WANT IT. I'M DONE WITH IT, DONE.' I stood up and ran out the door, not bothering to grab a jacket and running out of the street, towards the park.

I cried and slowed down, seeing an empty bench. I walked over to it and sat down, rubbing my arms to make myself warmer. It was very cold, around 2 degrees celsius at day time, and it was 10 pm now. 

I thought about everything that had just happened, trying to contain my emotions, but I didn't really do a good job. And then I noticed two people walking around, messing around with each other. As they came closer, I recognized them; it were Louis and Eleanor. I tried to hide myself, but it was too late.

'Celina?' Louis said.

'Yeah.' I tried not to sound sad.

'What are you doing here? And without a coat!' He quickly got rid of his and wrapped it around me.

'Harry and I had a fight..' I mumbled.

'I didn't quite catch that..' 

'We had a fight.' I heard his voice, he was standing behind us.

'Is that true Celina?' Louis questioned, and I nodded, not looking behind me.

'Harry, I think it's better you come with us, and Celina goes home.' Eleanor said and gave me quick hug.

'I will, bye.' I hugged Louis and was about to hand him his jacket but he refused. 

'You're cold, I'll get it back later, okay?' I nodded and walked home.


*bzzzzz* *bzzzzz* 

I woke up because of my phone and looked on it.

"Come to ours, you know you need to face him. love, Lou and Eleanor" 

I sighed and got out bed, showering quickly and putting some clothes that looked decent enough to be out and I walked to their house.

I took a deep breath and knocked.

'It's open!' Louis yelled and I walked in.

I heard a guitar and I looked up in the living room, the 5 boys sitting there.

"Did they ever hold each other tight like us, did they ever fight like us?" 

"You and I, we don't wanna be like them, we can make it till the end, nothing can come between, not even the gods above, can seperate the two of us, no nothing can come between... you and I"

Harry sung directly to me, I couldn't be mad, I couldn't cry, I couldn't do anything.

"cause you and I..." Zayn's high note was pitched perfectly.

'Oh... you and I, we can make if we try, you and I.." The song ended and I was just standing there.

Harry stood up and looked at me, the others slowly and silently left.

'Celina, you don't know how sorry I am..' 

'Harry, cut the shit, I don't wanna hear it, just hug me?' He walked closer to me and opened his arms, I walked into them, nuzzling my head into his  chest.

'Are we good?' He asked quietly.

'We will be.' I answered. 'But for now, just hug me.' 

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