91. #imagine with any boy you like :)

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When we had finally arrived home, it became a bit awkward. He had just met my parents which was really embarrassing and they had just left for their 'holiday'-weekend with my aunt and uncle at a camping. 

'So, my siblings are still here, but they'll leave to my grandma's soon.'  I smiled. 'Would you like a drink or something?' 

I let go of his hand, which I was still holding, to get some glasses out of the cupboard.

'Only if you take something.' He smiled and sat down at the couch. The dogs immediately attacked him with cuddles. I poured two glasses of coke and walked into the livingroom, seeing one of the dogs on his lap and the other lying right beside him. 

'Here you go.' I put his glass down in front of him and sat down next to the dog. 'What would you like to od? Gaming.. watching a movie..?' I chuckled.

'I brought some games with me, if you dare to play against me.' He grinned. 'We can do whatever, I don't mind.' 

I put on my PS3 and showed him the games I got. 'I have the best game for us to play.' He carefully - because of the dogs - stood up and got some games out of his bag, bringing them up to me. 'This one.' 

'Oh god, no. NO FIFA!' I whined. 'I suck at Fifa!' 

'Nah, let's just play, we'll do one of yours later?' He begged.

'Okay, but if I'm really bad at it, I won't play any longer than just 1 game.' I groaned.

We started a game, FC Twente vs. Ajax, we both chose our favourites.

I randomly pressed buttons while he knew exactly what he was doing. 

'Oh my god! I scored!' I laughed.

'No! Not fair!' He exclaimed, making me laugh even harder.

'Let's continue.' I said when I finally stopped laughing at him.

At the end of the game, I lost with 3-4, I still have no idea how I did that.

'We are going to grandma's now, see you later!' My brother and sister said bye and left.

 'They're cute.' He smiled and pulled me closer.

'Yes they are.'  I chuckled and cuddled into his side.

'I think we should stop playing Fifa.' I mumbled quietly.

'We should.' He whispered in my hair. 

I turned off the PS3 and put away the controllers before sitting back down with him, in his embrace. 'We could watch a movie on netflix?' He suggested. 'I like being like this.' 

'Yeah, you can choose a film, I'll just get some popcorn, okay?' I was about to stand up but two arms pulled me back.

'We'll get that later, eventually, for now just stay here.' He wrapped his arms around my waist and nuzzled his head into my neck.

'Stop it, it tickles!' I giggled and tried to turn away.

He quickly chose a movie and started  it. "Mirrors", I know tha movie, it's freaking scary.

We cuddled up a bit more and watched the film intensely. Murder after murder we got closer to the end. I loved how he didn't scare me although he knew I was scared.

As soon as the credits started rolling down the screen, I had the courage to move. 'Are you scared babe?' He snickered.

'A little, but I'm fine.' I looked up at him and smiled lightly.

'Come here.' He pulled me in for a very tight hug and rubbed my back soothingly. I buried my head into his shoulder and sighed deeply. One he was letting go, I looked up at his face, he was smiling down at me. 

'Thank you.' I kissed his cheek and got up, smiling at his 'sad' expression. 'It's 6 pm, we should make some dinner.' I told him before I walked into the kitchen, looking through the cabinets.

'Can I help?' He asked and I nodded. 

'We could make pasta, pancakes, or some sort of chicken burger along with bread?' 

'I choose the burger, because that seems the most apetizing and I don't trust you in cooking.' He winked at me.

I glared at him and got the burgers out of the freezer.

'Could you slice the bread? You can find everything over there; sauces and everything else is in the fridge.' 

~~a few hours later~~

I yawned, lying on my bed. He was taking a shower and I had been getting the extra bed ready and set in my room. I was now waiting for him to come out so I could have a shower, he was being a slowpoke.

'Hurry up!' I yelled, bursting out in laughter. 

'Come and join me!' He replied.

I blushed before shouting something back. 'No thank you.' 

I grabbed my phone and started reading a long fanfic and rolled on my side. 

'Boo.' He grabbed my waist and started to tickle me. 

'No! Stop!' I yelled, giggling uncontrollably. 'Stop, please!' 

'Only if you give me a kiss!' He smiled. 'On the lips.' 

'Okay okay!' I shouted.

'I wasn't finished!' 

'Nothing dirty or I will cut your balls off!' 

'Oh never mind then.' He laughed and stopped tickling me.

I slowly say up, narrowing my eyes at him.

'I'm going to take a shower now, the door will be locked!' I winked and grabbed my phone, taking my clothes and running into the bathroom, locking it behind me.

I put on some music and quickly took a shower. I couldn't help but sing along.

"Cause you and I, we don't wanna be like them, we can make it till the end..

nothing can come between, you and I,

not even the gods above, can seperate the two of us,

nothing can come between, you and I..

oh, you and I,

I figured it out, saw the mistakes of up and down,

meet in the middle, there's always room for common ground,

I see what it's like, see what it's like, for day and night,

never together, cause they see things in a different light, like us,

but they never tried, like us..

I quickly dried and got into my pyjama's before getting out of the bathroom and into the room, he sat there on the bed, arms crossed and looking at me suspiciously.

'Why didn't you tell me that you're a great singer?' He asked.

'Because I'm not.' I chuckled.

'Hey, you are!' He protested and stood up. 'Sing for me.' 

'No..' I said, looking at my wall instead of him.

'I do still get something from you though, even if you don't want to sing for me.' He wiggled his eyebrows.

'ugh, okay!' I chuckled and leaned in, softly pressing my lips to his in a passionate kiss.

'I love you.' I whispered in his ear. 'Always have, always will.' 

Personal #imagines.Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя