78. Personal #imagine for romans8v31 with Louis.

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Hiyaaaa! You're probably one of the most enthusiastic people I have on here! haha :3. Here's your Louis #imagine, but remember that he's mine okay? :D 

-Celina. (:

Clara Tomlinson.. that's my name now. Yesterday I married the boy of my dreams; Louis Tomlinson. The wedding was just like I pictured it, small and elegant like it came out of fairytale. Louis and I weren't going on a honeymoon, but we were going to move in together first; we hadn't moved in because we simply never thought about it really.

Today we'd start packing my stuff and get it to our new home. We'd saved the money for our honeymoon and holidays from last year to buy new stuff for our new home, which we just bought. The other boys were packing Louis' stuff, since I didn't have that much to pack, we could do this with just us two.

The house itself is beautiful, it is near the city center and it's not that big, but big enough for us two. It's very cozy inside, we didn't have to do anything about it. And finally I got a bathtub! Finally!

'Babe, where do you want those?' Louis held up my highschool yearbooks. 

'I don't mind, just put them in a box.' I smiled at him and sorted my clothes in several boxes.

'Okay, I'm almost done here.' He came over and hugged me. 'It's finally happening.' 

'I know, we've been together for so long, we're married now..' I chuckled.

'It was about time.' He smirked and kissed my lips.

'Yeah, kinda.' I kissed his cheek and returned to my clothes.

'Mrs. Tomlinson, you need to get some tea with me.' He whined. 'We've been packing stuff for 3 hours, we need a break!' 

'Okay, okay!' I gave in and walked with him down the stairs.

'I'll make some, sit down meanwhile.' He smiled and kissed my head as we splitted ways, me to the living room and him to the kitchen. I sat down on the couch and looked around a bit, most of my stuff was in boxes, it looked so empty. I would miss this place so much.

'Here you go.' Louis walked in with tea and cookies, he sat down next to after he handed me my tea. 

'Thank you.' I sat against him and he wrapped an arm around me. 'I'm gonna miss this place.' 

'I know, I will miss mine too, but it's all going to be better now.' He took a zip of his tea.

'I hope so.' I looked up at him after I took a zip myself.

'It will, I'm sure of it.' 

'PEOPLE I HOPE YOU'RE WEARING CLOTHES BECAUSE WE ARE COMING IN.' Niall yelled through the front door. I laughed and Louis looked slightly irritated.

'Always the boys thinking we're having sex..' He whispered in my ear as all the boys were walking into the room.

'Louis, all your stuff is in boxes at the new house, how much do you need to do here?' 

'We need to sort out the clothes and the attic.' 

'We'll do the attic, we've just eaten and everything.' Liam said. 'You finish the clothes and stuff.' 

'We're just drinking tea, sit down first guys, we've got all the time we want!' I smiled.

'Cookieeeee!' Niall yelled and grabbed one.

'Oh god Niall, so childish!' I giggled.

'No one messes with me and cookies.' He gasped.

'I will and I'm proud of it.' I said.


'I taught her that.' Louis stated proudly.

'Let's go, if we work along today, maybe we'll even finish it all.' Harry said.

'Yeah, I hope so.' Zayn said. 'I'm already done with moving.' 

Louis and I stood up and we went into my bedroom as the boys went to the attic.

'Just the clothes and the cupboards left.' Louis smiled.

'My mum and dad are doing all the stuff in the new house now.' 

'Nice!' He said-yelled.

A few hours later, we arrived at the new house and my mum and dad had already done all Louis' stuff and the new stuff. We only had to do my stuff, which wasn't that much.

'Thanks mum and dad!' I smiled and hugged them as they were about to leave.

'Good luck with the last things and we'll see you soon.' 

'We'll take you out for dinner some time this week.' Louis said.

We quickly sorted my stuff, thanked the boys and then we were finally alone in our new home, which was done.

'Wow, that went quickly, it's only 8 pm now.' 

'Yes, let's order pizza and pig out.. I don't feel like doing anything right now.' 

'Alright, let me just order them, go have a bath meantime, I'll come soon.' 

I walked upstairs, towards the bathroom and let the water stream into the bathtub while I put some bathsalt in it. 'Louis, hurry uuuup!' 

'Coming!' He walked in and let the door a little opened so we would be able to hear the doorbell.

We undressed and sat down in the bathtub together, I cuddled into him and relaxed.

'This is all what I ever wanted; a lovely wife, our own house and just having some good quality time. I love you Clara.' 

'I love you too, Louboo.' I smiled and leaned in.

What a day, our first day of being married.

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