27. Niall #imagine for @SineadRedmond_ :)

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I sat in the car, my dad driving, my mum talking to him. I was on my way to Mullingar, I was going to live there. 

"I won't let these little things slip out of my mouth.." sounded through my ear buds, which I had in my ears while I watched through the windows for as far as I could, it had been raining the whole ride, all the fields wet and muddy. I didn't like rain, but I lived in Ireland, it's all we have. 

'We're almost there.' My mum said as she got one ear bud out. 

'Why'd you take my ear bud off? if it was for that, you shouldn't have done it, I don't mind.' I put it back in and continued staring outside my window.

I didn't want to move, I finally had friends after I got bullied, then they took me away from there, a fresh start, it'd be horrible!

I got out of the car when they parked it at our new home, it was a HUGE house with a lot of windows, that's what was nice, sure. I had 2 rooms for my own, they'd make one of it, so I wouldn't be walking from one to another all the time. 

I walked around the neighborhood, finding it out when they were removing the wall and painting, it'd take half a day, I had time enough. I found a cute little park somewhere, I was lost a long time ago, I didn't mind at all, just a little rest. I sat down underneath a tree, getting my notebook and a pen out of my bag and writing down lyrics, some little imagines I liked to write about One Direction and some little poems. 

'Excuse me? Why are you sitting here alone? it's getting pretty late.' I looked up into a few gorgeous blue eyes. I got up and realized it was Niall, Niall-from-one-direction.

'I'm new here and I just wanted a little rest, but I think I'm lost and I've no idea what time it is, I was just  sitting here a little, thank for caring though.' I smiled at him.

'I'm Niall, what's your name? maybe I could bring you home if you don't know where you have to go.' he said.

'I'm Sinéad, nice to meet you and erm.. if you want to, I'd like to get home to be honest.' I smiled a crooked smile and told him my adress.

He was a really nice guy, we chatted about everything, my last school, even the bullying, I wouldn't even tell it if it didn't feel right to talk with him. I trusted him.

'Seems horrible, I've never been bullied, but I wasn't popular either, I dislike bullying. Everyone has something special.' he had said.

'True. I think yours is that you're so kind though you're so good looking, not many people have a beautiful inside AND outside.' 

'Well, you're too.' he said and looked at me. His eyes were so cute and blue, I got lost in them.

'we're here, I live 2 houses away from you.' he chuckled. 'don't hesitate to visit some time.' 

'You'd better come to mine, I think it's better because they'll be watching you.' I chuckled and hugged him. 'Thanks for the talk, I feel better, and hopefully I'll get through it here.' 

'No problem, can I have your number or am I allowed to come alone later?' he winked. 'then I have an excuse to get your number later.' 

'Yeah, come along, I gotta do my room first, but that'll be done soon, my parents probably did the most.' I said and waved him goodbye after he gave me another hug and a kiss on the cheek.

I walked into the house and said Hi to my parents.

'Where've you been?' they asked. 

'Out, in the park, got lost, a boy from 2 houses further brought me home and he'll come tonight, so please let him in.' I sighed and ate my dinner, then got my room as I wanted and listened music. 

'Hey!' Niall walked into my room and smiled. 'Nice room.' 

'Thanks, I'm not totally done yet, got my posters left. but I'll do them later, I don't wanna do them yet.' I said and got up to hug him.

'let me guess, it's 1D?' he chuckled. I blushed and nodded. 'Cute, who's your favorite.' 

'A certain Irish boy because he's a really good person.' I smiled. 'He's cute, adorable, and caring.' 

'I never noticed him though.' he chuckled. 'but you just described yourself in a manly shape.' 

'I only know you for a day, how can this be feeling so great?' I said as I noticed he had wrapped his arms around my waist.

'Same, I didn't even realize I did this.' he laughed and looked into my eyes.

We were just about to kiss when my mum came in. 'It's time to say goodbye, you've school tomorrow!' 

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