11. Louis #imagine for @L0uis_addiction (but he's mine (: )

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So, i got several subjects, and i give you #1 because i've a good idea. ;)


Louis' POV.

'Niall, why did you have to bring us to Ireland? why?!' i whined, it's not that i dislike Ireland, but i wanted to spend time with my family instead of being here.

'well maybe you finally find a girlfriend?' Harry laughed. 

'then i can finally leave you.' i stuck out my tongue at him and took a walk down the streets of Mullingar.

i crossed several people who recognized me, they asked pictures... i took some and left again. 

"To the left, and then to the right." i thought. i took the ways i just said and bumped into a girl and we both fell to the ground.

'i'm so sorry.' she giggled. i stood up and offered her my hand, i saw her face and i just stared. her beautiful eyes, her beautiful hair.. just woow.

'no, i'm sorry.. are you alright?' i asked. 

she nodded and took my hand, so i helped her up and she thanked me.

'so, what's your name? mine's Louis.' 

'i know you, Tommo, i'm Jenny.' she smiled. 

we shook hands and she walked a bit with me, we had a really good talk.

'so.. i should be heading to Niall's now.. can i have your number?' i asked when we were close to Niall's. She nodded and gave it to me, i took a picture to put it as her Caller's icon, she did the same to me. 

'so, i'll see you later?' she said and leaned in to hug me, i returned it happily and looked in her eyes once again, she was glancing at mine as well, and before i could notice, our lips touched each other's, softly.

'see you later.' i winked and walked off to Niall's.


'so, what've you done Lou?' Harry asked. 

'Walked, i bumped into a girl and she joined me.' i smiled.


'shut up, she's cute though!' i playfully smashed his arm and the other boys came in.

'so, you got a girlfriend?' Niall wiggled his eyebrows.

'we'll see.. we'll see.' 


i hope you liked it haha :)

i'm a bit ill, sorry if it affects the imagine! 

-Celina (@chasingtommo)

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