66. #imagine with any boy you want :)

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basically I wrote it for my dutch assignment, I translated it into a nice english story :)

it's in his POV and well, go ahead!

I miss her, that's everything I can say about this. Everything I've done after she left me, I just did it because I miss her so much..

Her beautiful brown hair, her pretty green eyes, het imperfect but nice smile.. everything reminds of her.

Whenever I see people on the streets, I think of her, whenever I watch TV, I think of her.. whenever I watch films or when I see the dog.. it's her I think about. I can't get her out of my head.

I'm staring at the wall, "I miss her", that's what I'd written on it with grafitti. A clear message but nobody will ever how much I miss her. Nobody will ever understand how I feel.

I could describe it, but no words are good enough. I've lost myself, it sounds very dramatic, but now I'm experiencing it, dramatic isn't quite enough, it's more dramatic and terrible than I would ever have thought.

The last few days have been so hard, I'm surprised I managed to get through them, that I'm holding on like I do right now. I know I'm not perfect, I've been thinking about this all the time, I make mistakes just like everybody else. She isn't perfect either, her "secrets", she told me those, are shocking, you wouldn't expect this from a girl like her, she's always happy, but in fact, it's all an act.

The mistakes I made right there, that night, were fatal. It doesn't matter if I can move on or not, even though I would go on with my life, I won't forgive myself for what I've done.

Her face, there was so much pain.. I can still hear her heart breaking when our argument continued, how she ran away with tears in her eyes.. how she left me behind because of something I messed up. 

Of course I'm trying to get her back, to gain back her trust, to make her happy like I used to make her happy. The texting, calling, visiting her house, it hasn't worked out yet, she won't answer, nothing..

I sink down against the wall, the letters now dry above me. Still thinking about her, I see cars pass in front of me, people look at me as they drive by, but I don't care about anything... but her. I know how much pain she's experiencing, I know how mad she is at me.

Tears form in my eyes when I think about this and I pull up my knees, leaning my head on it. Crying, shaking, I think back, the moments we've had, everything we did together..

I miss her.

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