2. Harry #imagine for @DaisyMaclaurin

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Hiya Dais! Ashley chose a number between 1-15 for you because you were at school; she chose 7. :)


'DAISY.' He yelled at me. i looked over and saw my curly-haired boyfriend there, i ran into him and hugged him tight.

'i'm so happy you're here!' he said, doing a few steps backwards while having me in his arms so he wouldn't fall.

'me too, i missed you!' i said and kissed his cheek. 

we got to the hotel where he was staying, it was very hot outside, America is definitely better than England! he helped me with my suitcase and we sat down at the huge lounge.

'i missed these moments Dais.' he whispered to me as i laid in his lap. 'same Haz, but i'm here now.' i looked over my shoulder and smiled to him.

he leaned down to kiss my nose, but awkwardly failed and it ended somewhere next to my eye, which made me laugh at him.

'you shouldn't have laughed..' he said menacingly. i looked worried and he started tickling me, making me squeal and laugh, i even fell of the lounge! 

'Harry! that hurt!' i pouted, stroking my bum because it really hurt.

'i'm sorry babe, that was a little too much, want a kiss on it?' he winked. 'no thanks, you don't kiss my ass..' i chuckled.

'what about your lips? do they hurt?' he asked, looking at them. 'because if they do, i may have to kiss them better.' 

'maybe they hurt only a little?' i said. 'does that mean i get only a little kiss? because if it so, it hurts giganticly!'

he smirked and kissed my lips, not too much pressure, just perfect, i loved the way his lips moved against mine, it was so cute and still sensitive and soft.

'i love you baby.' i said as we pulled away.

he wrapped his arms around me, kissed my head and said; 'i love you too.' 

#7 was Hotel. :) hope you liked it xx

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