83. Personal #imagine for Kelly__1D with Harry.

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Although I said it wouldn't be up tonight.. I try to write a little. I hope it'll turn out right because I don't wanna ruin it for you.

-Celina. xx

I saw the delivery man walking towards the door and I made my way into the corridor to open the door. 'Hello, are you.. Kelly?' 

'Yeah, I am Kelly.' I smiled, he handed me a bunch of roses. 

'These are for you, have a nice day.' He smiled and left.

I took in the scent of the roses; they smelled beautiful. I walked back into the livingroom and put the roses in a vase with water. I took the small card and sat down on the couch.

"Meet me on skype tonight at 7 PM, I have a surprise for you."

I knew it was from Harry, my internet boyfriend. We never really met, but we love each other somehow. My parents don't support it, neither do my friends. I just love him, I don't know how or why, I just love him.

We talk a lot using skype and whatsapp, but I want to hold him so badly. It's killing me. 

'Kelly, we're going to your grandma's till 9 PM, there's pizza and good luck keeping yourself alive!' My mum said and smiled at me. I nodded and said goodbye as they left.

Nice, I've got the house for my own.

I showered and chose some clothes to put on. I then chose some films, changed and went downstairs.

'Popcorn.. popcorn..' I searched through the kabinets to find my all time favourite snack. 'Ah, there.' 

I put it in the microwave and while it was popping, I poured myself a drink.

Bzz bzz

I chuckled and grabbed my phone, opening the message.

Harry <3: "Did you get the roses? :) xx"

Me: Yeah, they're beautiful, thank you! x

Harry <3: You're welcome, what you doing right now?

Me: Going to watch a film.. you?

Harry <3: I'm bored, come on skype right now.. it doesn't matter if it's right now or in a few hours ;)

Me: Let me just get my laptop, wait.

I quickly got my laptop and opened it, logging into skype. He was already online and called me.

'Hey babe!' His voice sounded through my room.

'Hey, why aren't you on webcam!' I laughed. 'Are you scared of me today?' 

'Yeah, I'm so scared...' He laughed. 'No, I'm currently in a car, but I'll arrive soon.' 

'Where are you going?' 

'Home, I was at my parents a few minutes ago.'

'Who is driving?' I asked, my eyes opened wide.

'I am, the laptop is in the passenger's seat.' He chuckled. 'Wait, I'm just going inside now, be right back.' He hang up and I sat there chuckling at his stupidity.

I heard the doorbell rang and walked over to the door, opening it. 'Oh, I think I went to the wrong house..' 

'Harry?' I said, obviously shocked. 'What are you doing here?' 

'Visiting you..' He said and leaned in to hug me. 'I got your parents to your grandma, right?' He smirked.

'But why didn't you tell me, and oh gosh you're tall.' I blushed.

'Or you're small and I like surprising you.' He kissed my cheek sweetly. 'Can I watch a film with you?' 

'Yeah of course! God, I'm so gobsmacked, damn.' He laughed at me. 'Feel home, really. I'll pour you a drink.' I smiled and walked into the kitchen.

Once I walked into the livingroom, I just took in the sight. He was here. I met my boyfriend, my internet boyfriend.

'It's so unreal to see you right here in front of me.' I said, giving him his drink and sitting on the couch next to him.

'I know, but I won't be your 'internet' boyfriend for much longer.' He said.

'A-are you breaking up with me?' I stumbled.

'No, I'm moving here with my parents.' He smiled cheekily. 'We don't have to use skype anymore to see each other, I am going to live in this town.' 

'Oh my god..' I said. 'That's great!' I hugged him tightly.

'Let's watch that movie, we have lots of time together.' He smiled and leaned in to kiss me, on the lips.

What a freaking day. 

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