68. Personal #imagine for emykusjexo with Niall.

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Hellooooo! :) 

Dutchie I see, but I don't like to talk in Dutch, so I won't, but it's good for some inspiration for the imagine.. hehehe!

I hope you like it :) 

-Celina. xx

Finally it was the day Niall would come to visit me, here in Holland.

The stupid 'long distance relationship' had worked out, but I missed him really much, it was painful not to be able to get Horan hugs, or even better, Horan kisses.

Niall and I met at the concert they gave here in the Ziggodome in Amsterdam at the third of may.

I won tickets along with a meet&greet, I can tell you that miracles happen when you get those.

I'd prepared what to say, and I kept telling myself not to scream in front of them- in that I succeeded, my 'speech' was a disaster, I was so shy!

Somehow, I got to talk with Niall more than with the others, and he was extremely kind and everything, it ended in him asking my number, and we talked day after day... and he asked me to be his girlfriend when I was on holiday in England. 

That happened about a year and a half ago, and ever since, he's been coming to see me several times, and I went to see him a few times as well.

Today was finally the day he'd come to me! I was currently waiting at Schiphol, the airport, and I was only a small 5 minutes left of seeing my lovely boyfriend.

I was pacing up and down the hall and I was really nervous.

"The plane from Heathrow airport has just landed." Once I'd heard it, I jumped and people shot me glances of annoyance.

I waited unpatiently until I saw that lovely blond hair of his, his figure running towards me, our bodies crashing into each other as we hugged.

'Niall..' I whispered while hugging him tightly.

'Hey Emy..' He said, slowly letting go of me to see my face. 'You still look so beautiful.' 

'Thank you.' I blushed lightly and looked at the ground.

'Let's go to your house, it's still an hour or two with the train.' He smiled and took my hand, his bag in his other hand. 

We made our way to the train and sat down in a quiet part of it. I sat down on his lap, my head against his chest and his head resting on mine.

'Baby? Can you teach me some dutch words?' He suddenly said. I smirked at him and gave him a glare.

'You think you can speak dutch?' 

'Yes, I think I can, if you tell me some words.' He looked at me and smiled.

'Okay, well Hallo is hello.' 

'Hallo.' He repeated after me.

'Hoe is het? It means how are you.' 

'how is het?' He tried.



'is het.' 

'is het' 

'Correct!' I smiled.

'Maybe I should get a reward for saying it right...' He cheekily smiled at me. 'A kiss maybe?'

'Do you want that?' I replied, he nodded. 'Only if you're going to say the next one right.'

'Try me!' 

'tandenborstel.' I said with a smile.

'Tondenbor..' He tried but blushed. 'That's too hard!' 

'No it's not, oh it means toothbrush!' 

'Give me a kiss though?' He tried the puppydog face.

'Okay..' I slowly leaned in and he pressed his lips to mine, what a wonderful way to start the day..

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