62. #Imagine with Louis.

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okay, just had the worst moment of my life, now just wanna do something and it came on writing my feelings away ofc.


Here I am, sitting on my bed, my hands through my hair and tears falling down my cheeks.

My best friend and I just got into a fight and I'm never forgiving myself this again, I shiver at the memory.

'That's no reason to do that! those people have feelings too!' my best friend said.

'I know but I can't help it, it just happened and it's not like I can change it that easily..' I replied, getting slightly annoyed.

'Well, I seem to be your opposite then.' She said, she was irritated, I could tell at the way she spoke to me.

'Yeah but how do you want me to change this? I fucking can't!' I said. 'you know what, let it go, I seem to do nothing alright and this isn't making it any better.' 

I stormed out before she could say another words, once I was out, I felt bad and ran home to start crying.

That's pretty much it, we normally never fight, we're best friends and talk 24/7, we do things together and I can't life without her.

I was all alone now, with my boyfriend on tour, I never could actually go to y other friends; they wouldn't care and well now this.. I'm fucking alone.

I had been crying for hours now, just sitting in my room, no music, no nothing.

I got up to get something to eat because yeah, life seems to go on and I got hungry. 

I wandered off the stairs and felt my phone vibrate in my pocket, I got it out and saw a text of my lovely boyfriend Louis.

-LouBoo <3-

Hey, heard what happened.. wish I could be there. Will be over asap, eat all the ice cream you can find in the freezer bby, see u soon X

I couldn't even smile at it, it was sweet though, he was coming over for me.

oh, I forgot, my best friend also dates one of One Direction, just like me.

I got a can of Ben&Jerry's out of the freezer and sat down on the couch, slowly eating it while my mind was destroying any little happy thing I had left. 

I started crying again while eating my ice cream, it wasn't helping at all. 

I suddenly heard the front door open, and close, several voices were whispering and Louis slowly walked into the living room, spotting me on the couch. 

He ran over to me and hugged me tightly, I couldn't help but sob. 

I placed the ice cream on the coffee table and Louis took me on his lap, I heard Harry and Zayn go upstairs and I was glad I had some time with my boyfriend; too bad he is now comforting me because I made the biggest mistake of my life.

'It's going to be alright baby, she's not mad at you.' He whispered and kissed my head and I cried into his chest.

'No, I fucked it up Lou, I fucked it up.' I sobbed. 

He lifted up my face with 2 fingers, making me look into his eyes.

'You did not, you're best friends, you can have a little argument but it'll be alright, you've been friends for so long now!' He said and wiped some tears from my cheeks.

'It just hurts Louis..' I said and wrapped my arms around him and rested my head on his chest.

'I know, and I'm here. We'll talk it through with her tomorrow, okay?' 

'Mmmh.' I replied as I wasn't really listening. 'Wait what?' 

'We're going to make it alright tomorrow.' 

'We'll see..' I said and pressed a kiss to his cheek. 'But thank you for being here, no one ever was.' 

'I'm always here for you, you know that.' He smiled at me and that made me forget everything for just a few seconds, but it was enough for me to crack a little smile.

'I love you.'

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