38. Harry #imagine (got huge Harry feels...)

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it was cold, so damn cold.

I was wrapped in a blanket, wearing a sweater, a hoodie, but it still was cold.

I was alone, all alone, I hated it. I wished Harry was here to keep me warm, but he couldn't.. he was at work, he didn't know for how long.

I watched TV, having tea and some popcorn. I was about to put Twilight in the DVD player when I heard the door slam, a cold breeze from outside flooding over me, curls were the first thing I saw, he was probably getting out of his shoes. A moment later, my Harry came in, his sparkling green eyes, his lovely lips, his seducing curls, just his everything, he always made me stare.

'Enjoying the view love?' he chuckled and walked over to me, hugging me. I shivered since he was so cold, because he just came from outside. 

'It's so cold.' I said, he wrapped the blanket tighter around me.

'You were going to  watch Twilight? an excuse to cuddle with me then?' he said and sat down on the couch as I continued putting the movie in. I can't believe he wasn't cold, just having one simple jumper on, while I wore so much and still was cold. 'I think you're ill, baby. It's not that cold, there's just a cold breeze, come here, let me see if you've got fever.' he jumped up and got a thermometer to see how warm I was.


'That's too hot, right?'

'You tell me.' he winked and I slapped his chest, he whined.

'Sorry, but you deserved it.' I smirked and he put the thermometer away. I sat down on the couch, cuddling into the blanket, Harry just sat next to me and pulled me in front of him as he leaned against the back of the couch, his arms wrapped securely at the height of my waist around the blanket, his breath on my neck, it felt secure.

We watched Twilight together, he tried to seduce me every once in a while, just teasing me with kisses on my neck, or blowing in my ear, but he didn't really succeed, I was way too far into the movie since I loved Twilight so much.

'I want a relationship like that.'

'You have a relationship like that.'

'No, you're not a vampire.'

'You wouldn't want me to be a vampire.'

'True.' I sighed and crawled around, ending with my face into his chest. He laid his hand on my cheek so I used the opportunity to use his hand as a pillow, he just chuckled at it.

'Go to sleep, love. you're not really feeling well, I guess.' he said and kissed my head.

I wanted to protest but my eyes got heavy, they fluttered a little before they closed completely. I drifted off to a peaceful sleep, in the arms of an angel called Harry Styles.

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