94. #imagine for roleplay1direction's friend with Louis

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First of all, I'm so sorry it took ages to put this up... I had my finals and stuff and it was really hard to find time to write. :(

Hope you like it! x

'Louis can you help me to get that?' I asked, looking over my shoulder at my boyfriend.

'Yeah sure.' He smiled and walked over, leaning his chest against my back and grabbing the nutella that I couldn't reach.

'Thank you.' I smiled and kissed him on the cheek before I started on the nutella sandwiches that I was making for my brother Harry, my boyfriend Louis and their bandmates Niall, Liam and Zayn.

After I made around 15 sandwiches, I put them all on a big plate and cleaned up the mess before I brought it to the table. I poured myself before I sat down in between Harry and Louis. All the boys were already digging into the sandwiches, I was lucky to get one from the plate because they devoured them like crazy.

I quietly ate mine and drank my glass of juice, the boys were hyperactive as never before because we would be clubbing tonight.

Harry cleaned the plate and put everything in the dishwasher while the other boys were still watching spongebob squarepants. This was their last night here and I woud be left behind for a few weeks before I could go to London with them.

'I'm going to get ready now, be right back.' I said and got upstairs to get changed. I showered quickly, chose a cute but sexy outfit for tonight and put it on. I put on my makeup and did my hair before I walked down the stairs.

The boys were already waiting for me; they had other clothes on now and we were all ready to go now.

'Let's go have some fun!' I smiled as we left the house.


I sat with Harry and Niall in a booth, tired of dancing. Louis, Liam and Zayn were somewhere in the crowd, dancing.

We ordered drinks for us all so I went into the crowd to find for the boys, at first I found Liam.

'Hey Liam, we have drinks at the booth over there, you coming?' I asked, and he nodded. I went to look for Zayn and found him after a while, he was dancing with some blonde girl and I motioned for him to go to our booth to have a drink, once he understood me, I started looking for my boyfriend.

I kept on looking for him but couldn't find him. I went back to the booth and sat down, a bit worried because I couldn't find him.

'I bet he's in the bathroom or so.' Liam assured me, but I wasn't calmer after that.

I took a few zips from my drink and stood up to search for him again, and I found him rather quickly, sucking someone's face off in the corner of the club.

I walked over to him as the tears started to form in my eyes. 'Cheating on me? Thank you, that really boosts my selfesteem. We're over Louis Tomlinson, over!' I ran back to the booth to get my purse, tears spilling from my eyes as I walked back home. I threw all his stuff out of my room and locked it behind me so he wouldn't be able to get in here.

I was lying on my bed crying, and I heard everyone come home.

'Melody, please, open the door.' Harry said at my door. 'I just want to make sure you're alright, then I'll go away.'

I stood up and opened the door for him, once he got in, I locked it again. He immediately hugged me and cradled me onto his lap as he sat down on the bed.

'I'll make sure he feels guilty, yeah?' He said. 'He can't just hurt my baby sister.'

I nodded and leaned against him, as I held him tightly. 'I'm gonna miss you, but I don't think I'll be coming over to London for a while..'

'I understand, I'll get you a nice holiday okay?' He kissed my head and rocked me quietly.

'Thank you..' I whispered.

A few years later I was walking around London with my new boyfriend. We were going to meet up with Harry, and I probably had to face Louis for the first time in two years.

'You'll be fine.' Ashton, my boyfriend, told me as he squeezed my hand.

'I hope so.' I smiled at him as we entered the familiar apartment.

'Melody!' Harry chanted and came over to hug me. All the boys - except for Louis, who was watching Ashton with an angry look on his face - followed.

'I missed my boys.' I said as I ruffled Niall's hair.

'Yeah yeah, we missed you too.' Louis scoffed. 'Who's your little friend?'

'This is my boyfriend Ashton. Ashton, meet the boys.' I said and grabbed my hand.

Louis stood up, faking a smile and walking up to him. 'Hi.' Then he punched him square in the face.

I was shocked at Louis' sudden outburst, Harry tried to stop him but Ashton was hitting him back, hard.

'STOP!' I said once I got myself together. 'ASHTON STOP IT!' I tried to get him to stop, but he was making it worse and worse. 'Get out of here!' I yelled once I finally got him off Louis. 'You can't just do that!'

'He can't just give me a punch!' He grumbled.

'No, of course not but you don't have to get him knocked out!' I cried and sat down next to Louis, who was lying unconcious on the floor.

'Niall, call an ambulance.' I said and got a few tissues to wipe the blood from Louis' face.

'Fine, if you worry more about him, then why aren't you together?' He said. 'It's fine, because we are over.'

'I couldn't care less at the moment, BYE ASHTON.' I screamed and went on nursing Louis.

He slowly gained conciousness and looked at me, hissing in pain every once in a while.

'I'm sorry.' He muttered.

'Don't worry about it.. the ambulance will be here soon.' I smiled. 'I'm glad he didn't kill you.' I softly stroked his cheek before I was asked to leave so the medics could check him out.

'It's nothing really bad, just let him rest a lot, okay?' The medic said, helping him on the couch. 'Make sure he won't do something crazy, young lady, then he'll be fine.'

'Okay thank you.' I shook the medic's hand and then they left.

'Can I have a second chance?' Louis asked quietly.

'We'll see that after you are recovered, okay?' I smiled and kissed his head softly.

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