87. Personal #imagine with Zayn.

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Hey hey :) 

Here's your #imagine, I'm so sorry you had to wait long for this. I hope you'll like it, I'd love to hear from you :).

-Celina xxx

It was the first sunny day in London. After a mild winter, no snow or extreme cold, it was finally going to be warm.

'Babe, wake up!' Zayn whispered to me. I was lying peacefully asleep in our bed, cuddled up to his chest. 'Baaabe, please, it's a lovely day. We have to do something.' 

I lightly fluttered my eyes. 'mmmh?' 

I heard the birds singing, Zayn was looking at me cutely.. such a perfect way to wake up.

'Good morning, sunshine.' He chuckled and kissed my head before he got up.

'Good morning, handsome.' I smiled at him and stretched. 'What do you wanna do today?' 

'How about we go skating for a few hours? It'd be lovely in the warm spring sun.' He proposed when he was changing.

'Sounds like a plan, can you make breakfast today?' I asked and yawned.

'For you, always. Come downstairs in a small 20 minutes and everything will be prepared.' He said and left the room.

I was just lying there, slowly waking up more and more. After 5 minutes I got up, I didn't have to put on makeup, I wasn't feeling like it. Just clothes and freshening up. 

I slowly strolled over to my closet and chose some clothes, then I put them on and walked over to the bathroom. I brushed my hair and made a ponytail because we were going skating anyways.

'Babe, it's done!' Zayn called for me.

'Yeah, coming!' I put a few hairclips in my hair before I walked down the stairs.

'Looks delicious, thank you.' I smiled and kissed his cheek. He held out the chair for me and then sat down next to me.

'I hope you'll like it.' He said before eating his own breakfast.

'I surely will.' I smiled and dug into my pancake with strawberries and a small amount of chocolate sauce. 'It's just impossible to eat in an elegant way.' 

'Ah, don't worry.' He smiled at me and wiped a bit of chocolate sauce from the corner of my mouth. 'I did this all on purpose.' He winked at me and then got back to his breakfast.

I tried to eat my breakfast as elegant as I could, which wasn't very easy and then we cleaned our plates and sat down on the couch, putting on our skates.

'I'm soooo going to beat you in speed.' I laughed. 'I used to skate a lot when I was younger, I know some nice places here.' 

'It seems like you're going to take me to all those beautiful places then, let's go! I'm all done.' We got up, grabbed phone, wallet and keys and then left the apartment. 

We skated through the street, to our right and then I took the lead because there was traffic. After a while of skating, we got onto this road next to a nice canal, with the most beautiful view ever when there's sun.

'Wow.' Zayn said, slowly stopping in front of me. I stopped skating and rolled into his arms and he was still amazed by the view.

'Beautiful, isn't it?' I smiled. 'And this road is pretty quiet, most of the time.' 

'It's wonderful.' He smiled. 'Let's take a selfie!' He chuckled and grabbed his phone. I stood close to him and made a weird face as he snapped a few pictures.

'Oh, madam, could you take a picture of us and the beautiful view behind us?' 

'Of course, I'll take a few to be sure.' She took his phone to snap a few pictures as we posed, which was quite hard on those skates.

'Okay done, I hope you like them!' The woman said and handed him his phone.

'Thank you, madam!' We said nicely as she walked along. We watched the pictures and I smiled. 

'That's going to be my new background!' I smiled.

'Let's go skating now. Come on slowpoke!' He suddenly scooted away and I started chasing him.

Once I'd caught up to him, I slapped his bum before I got in front of him, easily skating away from him. He was  laughing at me when I stopped and stood there waiting for him. Just before he reached me, he fell flat on his face.

I laughed, which was probably the worst idea ever.

'Help me uuuup!' He whined. I sat down next to him and looked at his face.

'You've got a big scratch.. does it hurt?' I asked, stroking his hair softly.

'No, I'm a big boy, I'm fine.' He said and hugged me.

'You sure?' I asked. 'I could give you a kiss on the places where it hurts..' 

'Well.. that sounds really good, actually.' He said. 'Well.. my nose hurts..' 

I gave a kiss on his nose. 'And my forehead..' I kissed it.

'And my lips, they hurt soooo much!' He cheekily smiled. I leaned in and kissed him, it wasn't the first time, but everytime we kissed, it did feel like it. 

'I love you, let's go home to get this cleaned up.' I smiled and got up, helping him up as well.

'I love you too, and yes. We'll sit down in the sun or so, something not too dangerous!' He laughed and kissed my head before we made our way home.

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