84. Personal #imagine for Onedirectionlover000 with Niall.

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Hey, I'm sorry it took so long to upload it. I am extremely busy :(

I hope you like it! xx

I was lying in bed, ill. A headache, stomach pains, my throat was hurting me.

Unfortunately, no one was here. I was all alone here and all I had, was my boyfriend to text me. He was recording every now and then, that meant that sometimes he wouldn't reply as fast but he couldn't leave to nurse me.

You normally have the perks of having boyfriend who's in a international boyband, but this was one of the less happy things. The longer you are together, you will find out it's actually quite annoying, sometimes.

I coughed my lungs out of my body and rolled over, closing my eyes in agony. 

"Please come home soon, I feel like I'm dying, and I'm not even joking.. x" I texted quickly, then put my phone on the bedside table and rolled onto my back. 

I cuddled into my duvet and closed my eyes, trying to sleep.

bzz bzz bzz

Niall: I wish I could be there, we have only an hour to go. See you soon bby, keep up!! x

I smiled lightly. Only one stupid hour.

Niall's POV.

'Please Paul, she's ill. I need to go to her..' I pleaded.

'Niall, I can't just let you go now, management will-' 

'FUCK MANAGEMENT. I need to be there for my GIRLFRIEND.' I said angrily. 'Would you rather be with your girlfriend or record because management says you have to.' 

'Be with my girlfriend..' He said. 'Keep up half an hour longer, then you can go.' Paul sighed. 'Only this time Niall.' 

'Thanks Paul.' I smiled at him and got back into the recording booth; I had to do all my solo's after each other and then I was allowed to go. 

It took just a little longer than half an hour before I could go, I sprinted to my car and drove off.  A little ten minutes later I arrived at our house and I quickly got inside and warmed some soup before I went upstairs.

'Katy, wake up baby.' I whispered in her ear, softly waking her up. 

After a few minutes, she opened her eyes and I smiled at her. 'How are you feeling?' 

'Like shit..' She chuckled, but started coughing. 

'I wish I could do something to take it all away..' I said. 'I'm sorry I'm late, but Paul wouldn't let me go.' 

'Don't worry.' She whispered. 'I'm already happy you're here.' 

'I got you some soup, and advil.' I helped her sit up and handed her the soup.

'Thank you, get yourself some too, please.' She smiled. 'You shouldn't be watching me eat.' 

'I don't mind, I want you to feel better first.' I kissed her head. 'I wish I could kiss your forehead a few times and then let the headache disappear.' 

'Maybe it'll help.' She winked. 

'You just want my kisses.' I stuck out my tongue.' 'I know you do.' 

'True story.' She ate some of her soup, giving me her left-overs and lying back down. 

'You will get lots, as soon as you're better.' I smiled. 'Go back to sleep baby, I will join in a minute.' 

I quickly cleaned everything up and then went upstairs, changing into pyjama's and lying down next to her.

She looked at me, I wrapped my arms around her and cuddled her into my chest. She closed her eyes as I kissed her forehead. 

'Go to sleep sunshine.' I whispered before I closed my eyes. 'I love you.' 

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