28. Harry #imagine for @MrsMaineStyles :)

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Just like every girlfriend of one of the lads from One Direction, I had to get through the amounts of hate, the thousands of followers, having no privacy and getting followed everywhere.

I'm not a girl to take it all in easily, no, I'm one of those girls who's having the biggest problems with it. I'm since a year with Harry, he doesn't know how much I get and thinks I ignore it, but when he isn't here, I break down. I feel secure in his arms, or around him, but I'm insecure without him. it's horrible. The amount of hate on me is the worst, none of the others gets so much because Harry is the favorite of all. 

'Hey babe, how are you?' He hugged me and I inhaled his scent as his strong arms were around me. He was quite a lot taller than me so I had to stand on my toes to hug him properly. 

'I'm fine, I'm fine.' I mumbled and looked into his eyes, my arms around his waist. 'What about you?' 

'I'm good, you'll tell me what's wrong when we're at the hotel.' he poked my nose, then kissed my lips and took my hand to get to the car that was ready for us, Paul made us a way through all the fans.

As we sat in the car, which would last for half an hour or so, I leaned against him and he was playing with my fingers. He whispered the lyrics of Little Things into my ear and kissed it as he ended. 'you're insecure, I can see it.' 

I looked up and looked him, sending a sad smile. 'I can't control it.' 

'I'll help you.' he smiled. 'come on, we're at the hotel.'  He grabbed my hand, pulled me through lots of people who were standing there and when we were finally inside, he hugged me. 

'Haz, you've room 21, we got 22, 23, and 24.' Louis told us. We grabbed our stuff and left to our room, which was huge.

'so, first, sit!' he said. 'you're going to tell me everything why you're so insecure and then why I didn't see it before!' 

'I never showed it. It's everything Harry, the hate, having no privacy, being followed by every step I do, I just don't get used to it.' Tears streamed down my face. 

He held his hand on my cheeks and wiped them away. 'It's nothing to be insecure about, I'm not even used to it. it's extremely annoying but I don't regret anything. but please, please don't let it affect you baby.' he said. 'I can help you, tweeting on the haters, hoping they'll stop, I protect you from the press but it'll never be enough to stop them.. and I feel sorry for it.' 

'Don't be sorry.' I said, I saw tears in his eyes, they rolled down his perfect cheeks. I rubbed his cheek with my thumb. 'You can't help it. you're a famous chappy, and I have chosen to get into this. I don't blame you, it's just.. hard but I think I'll be getting through as long as I'm with you. no matter how much I cried or will-' 

'you cried about it?' he asked, widening his eyes. I looked down and nodded. He embraced me and pulled me on his lap. 'I should've known something.. but I didn't realize it. you're too good at faking smiles you little adorable girl.' 

'you perfect lad.' I whispered and leaned to his chest, drying my tears. 

'I'll be here for you, through everything.' he said, lifting up my chin. 'i love you.' 

he pressed his lips to mine, making me feel more secure about this.

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