90. #imagine with Harry for @lainecastillo13

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Sadness. That's the only thing I feel, I have only been feeling sadness for years. Never did I meet that special person who made me feel completely comfortable, or safe. Or did I? 

People always tell me that there's this one person really close to me who could be the one to safe me, yet that person never stood up and actually helped me. People said it was obvious how we fitted together like two puzzle pieces. I figured out they meant my best friend, Harry. 

Never had anyone the guts to bring me and Harry together. They knew that if I wouldn't feel the same like how he felt about me, he would completely break down. I had no control over my emotions and I could easily break him.

Although I do think about him a lot, I don't think I like him.. at least, I'm not sure. You know that feeling when you know someone's in love with you and you just don't know what to do and hide everytime if someone asks it? That's how I feel.

I don't know what to feel. I don't want to hurt him, nor do I want to give him false hope. I'm so confused about everything about him. 

Still sadness is the only thing I feel, so I can't really judge right now, do I? 

'Someone's at the door for you.' My mum said, opening my bedroom door. 

'I don't wanna see anyone right now.' I grunted, putting a pillow over my head.

'You will be seeing this person and go spend some time with him, because you've been here for long enough.' My mum said, a threatening tone took over her voice.

'Okay, okay.' I groaned and got off my bed, slowly trotting off the stairs and seeing Harry standing in the door opening.

'Hi.' He politely said. I greeted him and then asked him to hang out outside, because my mum told me to do so.

He agreed and we went outside, to the small park that's in our city. 'I need to talk to you.' He began.

'Go ahead, I'm all ears.' I said, sitting down underneath a tree.

He sat down next me and started. 'Well, we've been friends for years, and I've seen you break down, until you stopped showing emotions. I-I just don't know how to deal with it anymore. I want to see your emotions, because you can definitely see how I feel about you..' 

I looked up into his eyes and saw the tears coming up. 'You know that I'm in love with you, you know everyone already knows it, yet you show no emotion. You tell me nothing. I want to know if you feel tingles when I touch you, or whenever I hug you, you get warm inside.. just tell me something.. show me something.' 

'I don't know if I can Harry, I-' I gulped loudly. 'I don't know how to show my emotions anymore.' 

'Tell me what you feel when I touch you like this.' He put his hand on my cheek, stroking it slowly with his thumb, and I blushed lightly.

'I feel tingles.' I whispered. 'Now they're gone.' 

'You supress them babe, stop doing that, let it happen.' He said and pulled me on his lap.  'what do you feel?' 

'Love, coming from you.' I sighed, leaning against him. 'Something I felt forever, coming from you.' 

'Nothing else?' He said, pulling me closer.

'You're making me shy.' I said, avoiding his gaze.

'Good.' He made me look at him and leaned in. 'Do I make you nervous?' 

'Yes.' I breathed.

He pressed his lips to mine in a soft but short kiss. 'What did you feel?' He whispered.

'Love, passion.. from 2 sides.' I smiled lightly.

'See, it's not hard to show your emotions.' He smiled lightly, hugging me. 'I'm going to help you out of your shell, and I will keep loving you every single second of it.' 

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