20. Personal #imagine for Radhiyyah with Liam - @iad0re1D

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It has been 2 years since Liam asked you to be his girlfriend. Today you arranged a lot of things for you and Liam to do. It's 8 AM right now and you were ready for the first thing to do. Having breakfast with Liam. You went upstairs to your bedroom too see Liam sleeping there. He looked so cute! You walked over to him and kissed him softly on his cheek. "Liam, wake up. I've got breakfast for you." You said to him. He opened his eyes and smiled when he saw you.  "Goodmorning babe." He said and kissed you on the lips. "Come, I've made breakfast." You reached out your hand to him so he could get up. Before you could react he pulled you down in bed next to him. "Let's just stay in bed a little longer." He said and hugged you. "Liam, we really should get up even though I love to cuddle with you. I've got baked eggs and bacon. We don't want to eat them cold now do we?" You got up again and this time Liam got up also. " I only come with you downstairs if I get a kiss." You giggled and gave him a little peck on the lips but pulled away quickly and walked downstairs. He followed close behind you. "Wow, did you made all of this." He said while he looked at all the food you made for the two of you. There were pancakes, croissants, eggs with bacon, etc. "Yup, and we need to eat all of it." You said smiling and started with putting food on Liam's plate. "You really don't needed to this you know." He said smiling at you. "But I wanted too. So eat." You gave him his plate and he started with eating. "Omg! It's delicious. I always knew you could cook but this is amazing!" He screamed. You only laughed in response. There was one thing that was bothering you. Why didn't he say anything about you guys' 2 years anniversary? He maybe just didn't thought of it because it's early in the morning. When you guys were done with breakfast you said to Liam that he needed to change because you were already done. The next thing you planned was a romantic walk on the beach. You were wearing your flower dress. Liam liked this dress and it was also the dress you were wearing on your first date with Liam. At the time you were done with cleaning Liam walked down. "So you're ready to go?" You asked him while you were getting your sunglasses. "I'm ready, but what are we going to do?" I smiled. "I'm not going to tell you." Liam made a puppy-dog-face to get me saying it but it didn't work. 

The beach wasn't far away so we could easily walk to it. "Wow, the beach looks beautiful in the morning. Why are you doing all these stuff?" That made you heart stop. He really forgot about it. How could he! "Y-y-you.... don't know what day it is?"  "Uhm...It's Friday. What's up with that?" You could feel the teers burn in your eyes but you wouldn't let them fall. Not in front of Liam. "Today. Today we're 2 years together remember? You're probably didn't because then you wouldn't ask such a stupid question!" You screamed at him and run away. Why did he forgot?! 

'Radhiyyah! please stop! baby, please!' he ran after you and tried to stop you, but you kept walking. 'please baby..' he said, his voice cracking. you stopped walking, tears streaming down your face.  'What?' you said quite rude. 'baby, i know it is, and i planned a whole evening for us, but i needed to keep it a secret for you. i didn't want to hurt you.' he said, stroking your cheek and wiping some tears away. after that, he pulled you closer and wrapped his arms around your waist. 'i love you, seriously, you're my world.'  you looked up at his eyes, seeing the passion and pain in his eyes. 'i love you too.. but it's just, it felt like you forget it and.. i don't know.'  'But babe, don't ever feel like that, i love you sooooo much.' he smiled and kissed your lips tenderly.  'babe, happy second anniversary, i will surprise you tonight.' he smiled and held his arms around you. 'i love you Liam.' you chuckled and hugged him tightly.  'i love you too babe, so much.' he said before closing the space between your lips again.  ~~~~~

Liam had taken you for dinner in the most expensive and chique restaurant in the city, you had eaten perfectly and we walked home hand in hand. nobody would ever speak about the little argument we had.

'so, loved the surprise? it's not ended yet.' Liam stopped walking in front of the fountain in the park. 'i got a present for you.' he smiled and got a box out of his jacket. he handed it to you and gestured you to open it, and so you did. you found a cute little bracelet, which you stared at for several minutes. 'wow, it's so pretty!' you say, breathless. 'really? because i was scared you didn't.' he blushed lightly. 'of course i love it, and it comes from the sweetest boy on earth, thank you baby.' you smile and lean in to kiss his lips, a great way to end the day. 

sooo, Judith wrote the first part, i checked it on grammatical mistakes haha, and i wrote the second part! WE hope you liked it.

Judith - @DutchiesWants1D.

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