Chapter. 4 It's Best Left Unknown

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For the next four days I avoided him. When I see him in the hallways, I turn around and walk the other way. In the few classes we share together I pretend he's not there and don't look his way. If I felt his aura near I remove myself from the area until I can barely feel it anymore. I have him for last class and usually I would be out of the class before he can get up. I would wait in the girls bathroom and make sure I don't feel his aura in the building or area anymore then I'll walk outside and wait by the gate for Mom to pick me up.

He notice me avoiding him, I can feel that it upsets him but he's paitent. He's waiting for the right moment. I know that sooner or later he's going to want to have a private meeting with me. Sooner or later I'll be backed into a corner and I know that I won't be able to run anymore in this game of cat and mouse.

I wonder if I'll be prepare if that time comes.

I barely been here a week and already I want to go back home even though I hate my old life, but it was better then being on edge constantly by a guy who is a walking danger sign. At least back home I knew what my bullies were capable of, but him, I don't know his motives or his capabilities, which leaves me at a disadvantage.

Today for some reason the courtyard is extra crowded. Everyone has taken up most of the courtyard, even the space I usually sit at has been taken. I sigh in frustration. I need to find somewhere else to sit.

'Maybe the roof?, I'm sure no one, not even Minamino-san wouldn't be able to find me there'

Turning around on my heels, I walk back inside the building and head up a set of stairs that lead to the roof of the building. Opening the metal door I am greeted by the amazing view of the city just behind the grey fence that surrounds the rooftop. Walking forward I sit down and open my bento box. No one is around and the weather feels nice up here.

Inside is tempura, steamed rice, steamed vegetables, tamagoyaki as well as grapes and strawberries. I also have two bottles of apple juice by my side.

I grab a pair of chopsticks from inside my lunch box and begin to eat. Happily, I hum to the delicious taste, proud of myself for perfecting the ingredients. I pause from eating, feeling a familiar aura behind me. It's faint as if he's trying to hide it, suppressing it even.

"What do you want Minamino-san?" I ask not turning around to acknowledge him. I try to sound brave but fail. His aura increases, he stop trying to hide it from me. His approaching footsteps walks toward me and he takes his place a few meters besides me, being mindful of our space.

"Even when I try to keep my energy under control you're still able to pinpoint it" He points out.

"I can pinpoint that erratic aura anywhere. I will ask you again, what do you want?, I've been avoiding you for a reason." I ask again. His threatening aura spikes, complex and unstable.

I wonder what he's thinking.

"You know there's something off about me yet instead of telling either of our mothers, you lied. Why is that?" He questions. I can feel his curiosity for my answer, that threatening feeling never left however. My answer now can possibly determine my fate do I'll have to be as truthful as possible.

"As I told you before I've been able to see many unspeakable things that others aren't able to see for most of my life and haven't told a single soul. Obviously there's something off about you, I've been able to tell since the day I've moved here and besides it's not like anyone would believe me anyway if I told them." I reply, truthfully.

"True, the odds of anyone believing you are slim to none. The reactions you would have possibly received would not have been in your favor"

"Exactly, can't have my own parents thinking I'm crazy or something, they have enough to worry about" I mumble. He doesn't reply. I nervously exhaled a shaky breath.

"...A-anyway, you mind explaining to me why your aura seem weird and out of place?. And also who was that man with the ears and the tail?"

Another spike in his aura gave me the answer I need. It's cautious and guarded. He doesn't want to say. It will be wise if I didn't mention the dream I had the same night about the man, he might not react well to it.

"If you don't want to tell me then that's fine, you can stop feeling threatened. Whatever it is you got going on obviously doesn't involve me so I won't tell, as you can see so far I've haven't spoken to a soul about what happened, it's not my place to anyway" I say as I look him in the eyes so he can detect that I'm not lying. I don't want any involvement with his situation, it's too dangerous and risky. Nothing is convey on his face or in his eyes as he looks at me but his aura decrease in size.

"I can tell you're being truthful, but I don't quite know if I should take steps for precaution and not risk it"

"What do you plan on doing to me?, are you going to k-kill me or something?" I ask, getting up and stepping away from him. He stays in his place, face devoid of any emotion;cold. I can see another increase to his once decreasing aura.

"...I will confess that I did contemplate about that option, or of erasing your memory of the incident all together with a special memory erasing  plant of mine"

I flinch at his brutal honestly and I can tell he's not lying. He say this without any remorse or regret. He dosen't even so much as flinch at his own words, as if him contemplating killing someone is a common occurrence.

This guy, Minamino Shuichi is dangerous. This justify the reason why I'm terrify of him. He goes around being nice and polite, no one sees no wrong in him but underneath there's something else, something terrifying that only I can see and sense. There's more to him then what meets the eye and I know this because I can see much more then what meets the common eyes.

Sometimes I believe this gift of mines is a blessing and a curse.

"But it wouldn't be fair to you or your parents if I took your life for my own selfish gain without weighing the pros and cons and it would go against what I currently believe in. These last two weeks I've been watching you, seeing if you would tell someone then I knew what actions I would have to take accordingly. I've also notice your spiritual awareness is gradually increasing and perhaps it could be because I'm the cause to it so I've concluded that even if I were to erase your memories your spiritual awareness would not have changed and you would've once again discover my unique circumstance"

"Spiritual awareness?" I question, interested but still cautious. He notice the confusion on my visage right away.

"It's another word for psychic ability that some humans possess. This gift of yours is actually called spiritual awareness. You are able to see more than what meets the eyes of an average human like ghosts, demons and apparitions. Each psychic have their own set of unique abilities and it would seem that you are able to see others auras and feel their emotions " He explains. All is silent as he looks at me, paitently letting me process the information he's given me.

"So what I've been seeing all these years were truly demons and apparitions all along. If that's the case then why are you so different?, what are you truly then?, Why is it that your aura is so different then the average human?, I know I said I wouldn't asked before but your aura is so different, and the man with the ears and tail, what is your connection to him?"

"I think it would be wise if those questions are left unknown, for both yours and mine sake Davis-san"

With that said Shuichi silently walks toward the door and leave me to my thoughts after it shuts behind him. I guess he see me as okay enough not to go through with his former plans. Or he simply knows I'm too scare to say much of anything at all after learning what I just learned and that I'll keep my mouth shut.

This is so unreal, it has to be, its all too much. I don't finish eating my bento box and I sat there, my mind in a daze as I think about what he said.

'So he's not who he say he is, if that's so then what could he possibly be?'

I immediately shake the thought away. Whatever he may be I shouldn't care, I don't want any part in it. It's his business and not mines so I might as well forget about the answer like he said, it's better left unsaid for both our sake.

It might just get me in trouble if I dwell too deep.

Worth Fighting For |A Yu Yu Hakusho Kurama Love Story| UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now