Chapter. 44 The Dark Forest

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"Remember Yusuke, these tests are simply spirit base, not physical" I remind him as they walk up to me. I overheard their conversation since they weren't being quiet at all and remind him that just because my spiritual energy is strong dosen't necessarily mean I'm strong physically yet anyways but who knows, I've been training with Genkai and have only been fighting with her so far, I haven't tested my physical strength on anyone else so far.

"Oh yeah, I forgot that quick" He says as all three of us walk in front of the jaken machine. "But I still think you can kick our asses"

"Watch this Winter, I'm gonna win it" Kuwabara brags as he goes first and scores a pretty high score. He laughs and gloats to Yusuke about where's his comeback. Yusuke gives it a go and score a high score, and I also score high as well.

"Where to next?" Yusuke asks as he looks at me. I place a hand under my chin and hum as my eyes darts around the arcade. My eyes catches sight of the karaoke machine.

"Why not we go there" I exclaim as I point at the karaoke machine.

We walk to the karaoke machine and Yusuke grabs the mike and begins to sing or more like aggressively shouts into the mike. Kuwabara goes next and sings as well, horribly. I still cheer them on since they are my friends, despite everyone around me covering their ears. They fortunately make pretty good scores.

"It's your turn" Kuwabara says as he hands me the mike. I grab it from his hand and stand on the stage. Looking at the crowd of men that are slowly starting to gather around, I begin to grow a bit nervous. I don't usually sing in front of anyone.

"Good luck" Yusuke gives me a thumbs up with a reasuring smile on his face.

"Yeah, you got this, we'll be cheering you on" Kuwabara fist pump the air with a huge grin on his face. I begin to look through the sheet of music, seeing which song I'm familar with and want to sing but them I stop when a thought comes to mind. I place the mike closer toward my lips with a smile.

"I would like to sing an original song of my own, a song I made after meeting some amazing people in my life, I call this song Smile Bomb"

Running in a crowd
In a faceless town
I need to feel the touch of a friend
In the countryside
I wander far and wide
The isolation gets me again

I don't know where to go
When I feel like crying
Oh my!
It's time to open myself
Do something new
I want to stop, and grow up a bit

Then suddenly, my power and confidence start swelling up
Magically erupt
And it's all because of the kindness that I feel
From people I don't even know

Then suddenly, my intuition and my wisdom grow
And then I know
That most of all I sense compassion's real
Thanks to strangers wherever I go
Thank you for waking me up!

The crowd is silent after I finish and at first my confidence begin to dwindle, thinking I did bad until Yusuke and Kuwabara begin to cheer me on. I walk up odd the stage and toward them.

"That was amazing" Kuwabara compliments once I approach. I smile and thank him.

"Yeah, how come you didn't tell us you can sing" Yusuke tilts his head.

"Well I don't sing often so I didn't think I could" I scratch the back of my head with a nervous close eye smile.

"You didn't think you could!?, are we hearing the same person?!, You did great up there" Yusuke exclaims as he loosely wraps an arm around my neck.

"Thanks" I chirp with a smile. I'm mot use to being praise like this. I notice that the crowd of men are still silent and look at them in confusion as a sweat drop forms on the side of my head.

Worth Fighting For |A Yu Yu Hakusho Kurama Love Story| UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now