Chapter. 45 Defeating Guren, The Snake Demon

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We've been fighting for the past 5 minutes so far, though it feels like forever. My hair is a mess and my clothes are torn and dirty. I have a couple of scratches and bruises here and there but nothing too serious.

Blocking the snake demon attack, I use my left leg to kick his side, earning a hiss from him. He use his green tail to wrap around my right ankle, causing me to gasp in surprise as I'm pull in the air and thrown harshly against the grown. I groan in pain and roll over just in time as he swipes his claws at me. I get back up on my feet and swing my sword, slicing his lower abdomen.

He hisses in pain as he slithers away from me and hold his abdomen, the smoke coming off of it indicating that it is burning him as blood leaks from the wound.

"You wench!"

"Listen snake boy this wench has a name and it's Winter, got it?"

"I don't care what your name is wench!" He screeches as he lunges at me again. His moves are very sloppy when he's blinded by anger. Lifting up a leg, with all my strength I kick the side of his head, causing him to scream as his body hits a tree. He weakly lifts himself up as I walk over to him.

"You know, when you're angry your movements get sloppy and predictable, but I will admit you are fast" I say and stand in front of him.

"Are you going to kill me?" He weakly mumbles out as his eyes narrows into a glare, his long ebony hair covers most of his bruise face as he heavily breathes in and out while holding his wound.

"No, just knock you out" I reply and punch him in the face, causing his eyes to shut and for him to be reduce to a coma. Getting in my knees, I place my hand over his wound and my hand glows white as I begin to heal him so he won't bleed out. Breathing heavy, I run a hand over my forehead to wipe away the sweat once I'm finished healing him. I feel a familar artificial aura from within the trees watching me from behind. He's been following me this whole time, stalking me and watched this whole fight from start to finish. It feels like he's trying to keep his energy at bay so that I don't notice him. I wonder if he knows that I acknowledge who he really is?.

So I guess my assumption is correct. He is Rando.

I pretend not to notice his presence in order not to cause any trouble in the forest and walk away and dissapear within the trees, the only thing on my mind is making it to the tree on time.

I'll just have to deal with him when the time is right.


Running out the forest I see a clearing. In the middle of the clearing is Genkai standing near a tree, a pocket watch is in her hand as she looks up from it. Smiling, I run up to her. She looks up at me and I receive a nod of approval and a small proud smile from her.

"You're the first one to make it here with only 25 minutes to go, good job Winter"

"Thank you Master Genkai" I bow with a wide smile. I jump up on a tree branch and take a seat. I place my arms behind my head as I lean against the tree trunk. The shade provided by the tree leaves helps keep me cool from all that running and fighting I had to do. I look down at my body to see that I'm cover in dirt and bruises and my battle outfit is torn in places. Might as well wait for the others to arrive, I hope Yusuke and Kuwabara are doing alright.

"Mind telling me what you look like you've had a rough time?" She questions as she glance at the cuts and bruises as well as my outfit that's torn in different places.

"I ended up facing off against a snake demon" I shrug in reply as I nonchalantly take out a leaf from my pigtail and watch it fall to the ground.


Worth Fighting For |A Yu Yu Hakusho Kurama Love Story| UNDER EDITINGDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora