Chapter. 47 Ghostly Cries

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Whoa, your tears are turning into diamonds!" Kuwabara freaks out as he points to the jewel's on the ground.

"Oh yeah, my tears tend to do that" I causally reply as I wipe away the remaining tears. I pick up the gems and place them in my pockets.

"You're just full of surprises huh" Genkai comments, her brown eyes are wide eyes in surprise.

"Yeah, full of too many If I do say so myself" I reply with a small grin her way.

"Don't worry grandma, I'm still getting use to it too" Yusuke stuff his hands in his pocket with a smirk on his face."this isn't the first time she's done this, well in front of me that is"

"What are you kitties waiting for!?, keep moving!" Genkai demands after getting over her initial shock.

"I've never seen someone be able to do that before" Kazamaru mumbles. "Do you think they're real?"

"They look real to me" Rando replies. I can feel his eyes intensely staring into the back of my head, causing goosebumps to run down my spine. Now that I think about it he's been keeping his eyes on me since he watched me defeat Guren in the dark forest and I wonder if he's on to me or if it's something more?.

I stand next to Botan as I watch them move on to the next test which take place on a old battle ground with barren trees.

"The first match, Kazamaru and Yusuke" Genkai announces causing Yusuke to stop and give her an incrediuous look.

"I've waited for this" Kazamaru stand in his place and folds his arms with a smirk.

"Whoa old lady, pick somebody who has a chance to breath okay" Yusuke retaliates while glaring at Genkai.

"If you want to get mad then get mad at the one who drew the lot and that's you"

Yusuke makes a noise in discontentment and Kuwabara looks at him with a sarcastic look on his face. "You're not a very lucky person at drawing lots, are you Urameshi?."

"Shut up Kuwabara" Yusuke grumbles.


"Great now I have to fight a dude who can shoot an energy blast out of his old stinking palm and my little spirit gun is all used ul" Yusuke complains as we walk through the forest. We're surround by the beauty that nature has to offer. Botan place a hand near her mouth and whispers "don't forget that one of those fighters might be Rando in disguise"

A look of realization cross Yusuke expression "oh yeah that's true, if Rando hiding as a human it's only two guys he can be now"

Yusuke looks to the two walking ahead of us with a look of suspicion "and there's something not right about that Kazamaru guy, call it a bad hunch" He declares. Oh, how wrong he is. He turns his head to gaze at me as his eyes holds a glint of recognition in them.

"And that reminds me, Winter you said you know who's Rando" he points out then leans closer toward me " is it Kazamaru?"


"This will be your new fighting ground" Genkak says as we come to a stop. I flicker my eyes across the green land scape with trees strip bare of it's leaves. The aura here feels restless and full of madness. I can clearly see the spirits of the dead flying around, bound to this earth as they wallow in their madness, wailing in agony. Nothing but restless souls that has yet to cross over to the afterlife. I can't help but feel pity for them.

There has been times in my life that I ran across spirits who struggle to move on because something on earth was holding them down. It was always sad to witness such spirits. One spirit in particular stands out to me. It's an army member with arrows sticking out of his body, though his spirit dosen't feel as mad as the rest, he seems more...aware. He's looking at us with his glowing dead eyes as he scans each and every one of us, that is until his eyes stop to look at me. They remain train me, never looking away. I nervously dart my gaze away from the spirit and at Genkai. I can still feel his stare even now and try to ignore it. 

Worth Fighting For |A Yu Yu Hakusho Kurama Love Story| UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now