Chapter. 82 Jorogumo

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In the darkest parts of demon world a shamisen can be heard playing in the distance, much louder than the storm that's taking place. The music attracts the attention of the spider's nearby who scurry in the direction the sound is coming from, forming a horde on the ground.

A woman in the shadows sits on the porch of a minka house, long pale fingers with long sharp nails painted red pluck the strings of the instrument beautifully, full of experience and as if it's second nature.

As if she's been playing it for many years.

Rouge tinted lips pulls up into a cruel smile, exposing long sharp fangs. She sits there and witness the spiders surround her, some even taking refuge on her hair and shoulders. She doesn't look faze by it at all as she softly addresses them in a voice of a mother talking to her child.

"Be patient my children, soon you will be able to devour until your hearts are content"

I'm sitting on the back patio, enjoying the rainy weather. It's been raining for a few days now, interestingly enough it fitted my rather solemn mood.

I haven't seen Kurama today, having mention something about Koenma needing to discuss something important with him.

I jump from suddenly feeling the sensation of something slowly crawling up my right arm and gaze down at it. My eyes widen in fear, heart freezing in my chest as my eyes lay on a tiny weird shaped black spider staring up at me with its eight bright red eyes that looks to mysteriously glow, watching me.

We stare at each other for what feels like forever, watching to see who will make the first move until it beady eyes narrow, front legs up in a threatening way, fangs out as if wanting to sink it into me.

I narrow my eyes back at it in retaliation "Oh no you don't, you little shit"

I swat it away with my left hand and watch it land on the wood ground of the patio. It lands on all eight of its hairy legs and looks up at me, as if offended.

I blink in surprise.

Did it just hiss at me!?, can spiders even do that!?

I watch it scurry away from me and hide inside a hole in the foundation, I can see its glowing eyes watching me from the dark and sweatdrop.

Yeah, this is where I make my escape.

Getting up, I race to get inside and shut the glass sliding door behind me, making sure to lock it just incase that spider decides to waltz it way up in here and kill me in my sleep.

Two days has pass since that incident and I notice the same black spider's are appearing everywhere. On buildings, the walls, trees, plants, benches, even on unsuspecting people, who don't see or notice them. They're just appearing everywhere! Always making my skin crawl every time I look at them and the webs they make. It reminds me of that one episode of Sailor Moon, with the webs appearing everywhere in town.

I don't have a good feeling about this at all.

Later that day I eat dinner with my parents. While eating my brown eyes catches sight of a spider on my dad shoulder, glowing green eyes gazing at me.

I mentally panic and distract my parents by telling them that there's something crawling on the wall. They both look away and I take this opportunity. Quickly snatching the spider from his shoulder, I intentionally kill it and place my balled fist under the table.

I make a face of disgust from feeling it squish in my hand. I'll be able to wash it after this since I'm taking a shower anyway.

"I guess it's just my imagination" I simply say to them "Hey Mom you don't mind washing my dishes for me tonight?, I have to go upstairs and finish up some last minute schoolwork?"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2023 ⏰

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