Chapter. 16 Yusuke Urameshi

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I look away from the screen and to my left where I heard the disembody voice. It belongs to a boy around my age with black hair that's slick back by a lot of gel, a long sleeve black shirt with gold design of a dragon on the front, blue jean pants and white tennis shoes. His dark brown eyes look impress as he looks at my score. His green aura seems rough around the edges but underneath that I can tell he's a good guy at heart. There's also something else about his aura I find fascinating. It has little underling of blue mix in with the green, I can see potential with the blue and lots of it.

"Thanks, I played this game all the time back home" I reply with a smile.

"Where're ya from?" He asks as he takes a seat in the chair beside me, obviously interested.

"U.S. I just moved here about a few months ago" I answer him.

"Nice. So you wanna go one on one. I bet I can beat ya at this game" He challenges with a smirk, a competitive glint is in his brown eyes as he waits for my answer.

"You're on but I will warn you that I'm not one to back down." I reply with a smirk, taking his challenge head on.

"Same" He smirks and thus we begin to compete. In the end I come out victorious. While I move up to first place he gets second place.

"Shit you're good at this" He comments as he looks at me.

"Thanks. You're not so bad yourself....Hey I never got your name?" I ask with the tilt of my head.

"The names Urameshi Yusuke" He introduces. I instantly recognize the name and smile at him.

"Davis Winter" I reply. His eyes light up in recognition.

"Davis?. Hey do you know of a woman name Mrs. Davis?, you look like her too" He asks. I smirk.

"Yeah, she's my Mom"

"Huh that explain why you seem cool. She's the only teacher I actually like who isn't out to get me. I've got enough of those bastards who want me out of there, she seems like she wants me there. I still can't get over Mr. Iwamoto and Mr. Akashi expressions as she cursed them out at the meeting. It was priceless" He laughs. I chuckle along with him.

"She told me about that and she also told me some things about you too"

"Was it something good cause I'll be surprised if that's the case"

"Don't worry it was. Mom always talk good about her students. She's not like most teachers. Growing up, we struggled. The neighborhood was rough, she herself grew up in a rough neighborhood and was seen as a no good by her teachers and peers as well. I think the reason why she defended you is because she sees herself in you, if that makes sense"

Yusuke nods his head in understanding, a thoughtful expression is on his face as he thinks about what I just told him.

"Yeah I get it. You however, don't look like you've fought a day in your life though" He exclaims with an raise brow.

"No I don't fight often only if I have to as a last resort. I will kick ass if I have too and yes I've had my fair share of fights growing up. Ass kicking just so happen to be a old friend of mine " I smirked. He smirks in return.

"I like you already"

"Good. Want a kitkat? I tend to offer food to those I see as a friend" I ask as I pull out a green tea flavored kitkat from my jacket pocket.

"Sure" He grabs the candy and my offer of friendship without hesitation. I smile, happy to have potentially make another friend. I look at the time on the clock that's on the dark blue wall and get up. Yusuke looks at me in confusion.

"I got to go now"

"So soon?" He asks. Is that disappointment I hear in his voice?. His aura seem to also turn sad.

"Yep, my parents will be leaving soon and they want me to wait by the car"

"Well see you around I guess"

Yep that's defiantly disappointment in his voice. I wonder if he too long for friends who understand him. My expression turns thoughtful as I begin to think up a solution until I smile.

"Hey how about this we meet up here every Saturday at 12 and play games" I offer. He smirks.

"Yeah, see you next Saturday at 12 and your ass better not be late"

"See you then" I reply with a wave and walk out the arcade and cross the busy street. I make it to the parking lot and notice my parents standing by the car

"Hey, what took you so long?" Dad questions as he looks at me approaching the car.

"I was playing Goblin City with my new friend Yusuke"

"Urameshi Yusuke?" Mom questions and I nod my head with a smile.

"Yep hes cool, I told him that I would hang out with him at the arcade every Saturday, is that alright with you two?" Before Dad can say no because of him being a boy around my age Mom cuts in.

"Yes, I'm glad you're making friends. Looks like this move is doing you some good and it makes me happy to see you enjoying your time here"

"Yeah it is, huh" I reply and get into the backseat of the car. Dad soon drives off into the busy street.


Monday has arrived and Shuichi once again walks me to school. We indulge in idle chatter along the way.

"I wonder what my score for my test will be" I say as my nerves begin to get the better of me. I can only hope I did well.

"I'm sure you did well, you did study hard for it" He reminds me.

"I know but I can't help but to doubt myself" I sigh.

"Well I have faith in you"

"When did you become so optimistic?" I tease.

"Haven't I always been optimistic?"

I give him a look, remembering how he reacted when we first met. He takes his hand out of his pocket and places a thumb between his teeth to keep from laughing out loud. I lightly punch his arm and he places a hand where I hit him and feign a hurt look on his face.

"That wasn't very nice of you, I think I'm hurt and in need of some assistance"

"Sure you are, do you need me to kiss it better?" I roll my eyes at his antics with a laugh.

"Actually yes, I would like a kiss from you to make me feel better" He replies. I look at him, caught off guard and render speechless.


He laughs, shoulders shaking up and down with the movement. He looks so carefree at the moment.

"Haha, very funny Shuichi" I sarcastically say once I'm out of my shock state. He just loves teasing me. I pout and look at him longer as he continues to chuckle with his eyes close. He looks so happy. I can feel my heart skip a beat and I wonder why that is. I decide to push aside the feeling once again.

"I thought it was quite clever" He chuckles into his hand.

"Of course you do, you just want a reaction from me"

"Nonetheless, it was worth it" He states, matter-of-fact.

"You really are pushing it Shuichi, you do know that?"

"Yes, I am aware of that but I just can't resist, you're quite the character" He teases with a knowing look in his eyes.

"I don't know wether to take that as an insult or a compliment" I deadpan and narrow my eyes at him.

He nervously laugh and brings up both his hands "it's a compliment, I swear"

"Mmmhm sure, I'll pretend to believe that"

Worth Fighting For |A Yu Yu Hakusho Kurama Love Story| UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now