Chapter. 51 Yellow Daisy

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"I want to show you something" He breaks the calm silence and unwraps his arms from around me. Bringing a hand into his locks of red hair, he pulls out a seed. I look at him in confusion.

"Uh Kurama, why do you have seeds in" I ask him as I point to the seed. My eyes gleam in childlike curiosity.

He chuckles at the inquisitive expression I'm making. "Just watch and see for yourself why"

The seed in between his thumb and forefinger glows a purple color and I watch in amazement as the seed cracks open and a green stem begins to grow. The petals of the flower grows and I see that they are yellow. Once the flower is fully form I see that it's a bright yellow daisy.

"Is that a daisy?" I sit there, amaze at this display. My brown eyes beam at the flower in his hand that was once just a tiny seed. "But how?" I'm left speechless.

"Yes" He nods and hands it to me "I use my energy to grow it, with your love for flowers, I'm well aware that you know what it symbolizes, hm?"

I nod my head, mouth slightly open still in shock "yes, it symbolizes joy, friendship and happiness if I'm not mistaken"

"Here" He leans in so close that I can smell his familar scent of roses which relaxes me. Delicately, he places the flower behind my ear.

"There we go" He hums with a smile. "I want it to bring you a little joy, you deserve it more than anyone at the moment"

He adjusts it "this flower suits you well" he mumbles, while looking into my eyes. "You make it look even more radiant"

My eyes widen in surprise as my breath hitches. "D-do you really mean it?"

"Yes, I do" He replies with a soft smile, his gentle eyes look at me as if I'm the only girl in the world. I can feel the honesty in his aura. Raising my hand, I gently touch the soft petals of the flower, not wanting to ruin it.

"It's feels so soft" I mutter and giggle in delight. "Thank you for showing me that Kurama, sharing that part of you with me, I feel special" I smile at him, no longer feeling sad but feeling like I matter, feeling like I'm seen. I stop the incoming happy tears from falling by wiping them away. Kurama gently smiles in return as his green eyes lights up.

"I only hope that it made you feel much better"

"Oh, yeah it defiantly did" I nod my head in excitement and beam at him.

"If you don't mind, can I give you something in return?" I say. He shakes his head.

"There is no need for you to give me anything really, consider this a gift from me to you"

"But I want to give you something if that's alright with you" I insist and pout "please"

He gives in "Alright"

"Yes!" I fist pump the air and look at him "you'll have to close your eyes first"

"Okay" His voice is laced in confusion as he closes both his green eyes. I look and notice how long and pretty his lashes really are. I'm jealous. Slowly, I lean in towards him and place a quick peck on his cheek. Kurama eyes flutter opens in surprise. He stares at me, blinking.

"Uh, I hope you didn't mind that" I nervously play with my hands, waiting for him to say something.


Kurama can feel his cheeks warming up as his heart begins to race.

"N-no" He says finally;nervously and not use to the way he's feeling right now, these new emotions swearing inside of him "I didn't mind that at all actually"

Worth Fighting For |A Yu Yu Hakusho Kurama Love Story| UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now