Chapter. 76 Yukina, The Ice Maiden

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A/n so I'll be fixing the timeline I came up with. I just remembered Yusuke left to demon world touranment during june and Kurama's mom got married in July so I'll be keeping that mind.

Just two days later I knock on the door to Kuwabara's residence after waving goodbye to my Mom, who just dropped me off. When I made it home from school today, I just received a call from Yusuke wanting me to head over here quickly. He gave me the address to his house.

The sun is out and the storm has pass though there is a strong chance more showers will be expected pretty soon.

The door opens and a woman with brown hair and darker brown eyes answers the door. Her pale yellow aura is cool and nonchalant, just like the expression on her face. A tooth pick hangs lazily in her mouth.

"Hey, you're also a friend of my idiotic brother?" She questions and I reply with a nod my head and bow.

"Yes, I am. My name is Davis Winter, it's very nice meet you. If I may ask is he here?" I question politely.

"Nice to meet you, the names Kuwabara Shizuru but you can call me Shizuru and yeah, he's upstairs with his other friends. Come on in" She steps aside and I walk in. I take off my shoes and place them by the door.

I feel something rub against my ankles and look down, eyes lighting up from seeing the little fur baby.

"Hello to you too, Eikichi" I bend down and pet her behind her ears, earning purrs from her.

"I'm guessing you've been here before, are you my brother's girlfriend or something?

"No, I'm just a good friend" I reply honestly. Now that I think about it the last time I was here I don't remember seeing her. Maybe she was away on a short business trip or something.

I look away from the cat, feeling her stare on me. I notice she's looking at me or more so my fluffy purple hair. I grow a bit nervous at this, let just say when it comes to my hair I don't usually receive much positive feedback about it.

The only people who's complimented my hair so far, besides my parents is Kurama and Yusuke who from time to time says it reminds him of cotton candy and looks cool. The idiot even tried to take a quick bite of it once just to be sure and I hit him in the gut before he could and called him an idiot.

He never tried it again of course.

"Is there something in my hair?" I question as I grab at it out of instinct, self-consciously twisting the coil.

"No it just that I'm a hair stylist and I've never met anyone with hair like yours before" She comments in fascination "it's pretty"

I look a her in surprise, shock into silence until I manage to mutter out "...t-thank you, my hair is a completely different texture then what you're use to doing so that's understandable. Oh I can also do this"

I demonstrate by stretching out a section of my hair, showing her my real hair length which is to my upper waist, shocking her even more. Her cigarette almost falls out of her mouth.

"But h-how?" She stutters out.

"Shrinkage, those of us with black heritage have to deal with it. It tends to hide our real hair length unless we straighten it of course"

"I really want to know more" She says, surprising me even more. She wants to actually learn about my hair?.

"I'm happy to tell you more about my hair but I really have to see Yusuke and Kuwabara" I point out. From the call I received, Yusuke sounded pretty urgent. Something about our next mission and watching a tape that Hiei handed him on his way to school.

Worth Fighting For |A Yu Yu Hakusho Kurama Love Story| UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now