Chapter. 46 Fighting In The Dark

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'Seems like I'll be going last huh, but against who?' I ponder as I look at the arrow in my hand. The numbers are uneven so who know how this will play out. The bodyguard and hitman slowly steps forward.

"No stalling you two, step up to the plate!" Genkai demands. They pause and look at Genkai. The hitman with the gray shirt, dark pants and glasses, Kuroda begins to speak.

"Lets make this clear, in my line of work I've been taught not to quite until their dead and fighting a train bodyguard I can't help but feel it's professional"

"If your asking about killing I've already answered, feel free to use any force necessary to defeat your opponent and ensure your victory" Genkai replies.

"Yes, you've said that twice but will you hold it against me if I turn out to be a cold blooded killer?" He adds, waiting for her answer and to make sure she actually mean what she says.

"Young man, I am a psychic not a saint, I'll train whoever is strong regardless of any moral shortcomings"

"I'm very relieved to hear that, so I can win the fight without holding myself back" Kuroda smirks.

"Heh, talking is only a means of delay" The bodyguard, Kazamaru cross his arms in arrogance "are you ready to fight yet?"

"Of course" Kuroda replies and they begin to walk into the dark "Risking my life is the nature of my profession"

Kazamaru looks at him from the corner of his eye "Mine as well"

"Good, then I won't feel so bad while I carve out your heart"

They both walk into the darkness. We only watch in anticipation, waiting for Genkai to announce the start of the fight.

"You may start!" Genkai shouts and they start to fight. I can easily see the two fighting in the dark. Both throwing fists at each other at a speed that the common human eye will not be able to follow.

"This is pointless, we can't see a thing" The guy with the green semi long hair, Kibano comments. I look on in confusion.

"Well it's not exactly a spectator sport" Yusuke replies.

"I can see them perfectly fine" I say as I continue to analyze the fight.

"Yeah me to, well kinda, the hitman is pushing back the body guard" Kuwabara adds as he continues to look.

"Are you guys are telling you can see in there?" Yusuke asks us as he looks between us with a look of disbelief on his face.

"Yeah, kinda" Kuwabara replies as I nod in agreement.

"The bodyguard is in position to blast off an energy blast in three, two ,on-"

A bright purple light can be seen. Once it goes away the bodyguard walks out from within the dark moments later, holding his abdomen as he grits his teeth in pain

"Winner, Kazamaru" Genkai announces.

"I was trying not to use that technique so soon" Kazamaru comments as he sits down.

"What a strange power" Kibano mumbles.

"I've seen it once before, it's a massive spirit energy" The ninja with the eye patch, Musashi adds in shock. Chinpo and Rando, in disguise under the guise of Shorin only silently watch. Yusuke eyes widen in shock out of nowhere. I quirk a brow at his odd behavior.

"Hey is that you?" Yusuke suddenly comments and runs out of the temple. I wonder what's he's talking about. I feel a familar aura just outside and smile. It's Botan and she must have spoke to him telepathically. Kuwabara runs after him and I decide to stay back. Genkai walks out the door moments later, to tell them to return. I smirk, seeing the trio hastily running back in. Yusuke and Kuwabara in front and Botan trailing close behind. Genkai walks in soon after.

Worth Fighting For |A Yu Yu Hakusho Kurama Love Story| UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now