Chapter. 31 Kurama's Sadness

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Walking into town surrounded by people, all eyes averts to look at us as we walk along. Some in shock, other disappointment and I'm not surprise, Yusuke and I do look like a bunch of beaten up juveniles delinquents that are cover in bandages from finishing a fight.

Well technically Yusuke is considered a juvenile delinquent and we did just finish fighting.

"Hey Yusuke, wouldn't it be easier to lean on my shoulder?" Botan asks as she and Ayame gazes at his tatter form. I'm leaning against Ayame as she help me walk. If it wasn't for her I would've just fallen over on my face.

"Right, can't you admit that it would be embarressing" Yusuke counters with a annoyed look on his face as he use the stick he holds in his hand to steady himself. I feel a familiar aura approaching us.

"He's nearby" I comment, earning glances from everyone in our little group. Yusuke compass goes off just a few seconds later and he begins to scan his surroundings. The people in front of us moved along and I see Shuichi walking toward us. His expression is unreadable as he approaches us. I can still feel the sadness radiating off his aura, even from here. I can vaguely feel Ayame grip tighten on me as he approaches. He slowly walk pass Yusuke and comes to a stop a few meters away. They look to be mentally speaking to one another.

"Are you crazy?" Yusuke questions out loud.

"Just give me three days, after that I will gladly return you the forlorn hope" He states then looks at me. His green eyes scans my form and I can feel the guilt radiating off of him in waves.

"How are you feeling, Winter?" He gently asks as he gazes at me. I ignore the look of surprise the others give me as I look into his emerald green eyes.

"I'm alright" I nod. He looks back to the three people in the group.

"Make sure she's taken care of" He says and continues to walk away, dissapearing into the crowd soon after and leaving us to think on his words.

I'm sitting on the floor and silently looking off into the distance as Yusuke hissed from Botan applying alcohol onto his wounds.

"Ouch, okay!" Yusuke shouts as he flops on his bed. His arch brows furrows in aggitation. "Gee, more alcohol and I need a designated driver"

"You know this could be a trap Yusuke, this seems a little too easy" Botan remarks while holding a first aid kit in her hands. It's only us three currently occupying Yusuke's room. Ayame left just moments ago after helping me dressed my wounds to update Koenma on all that has happen up to this point.

"Huh?" He questions, wanting her to elaborate.

"It's no coincidence that he asked for three more days, by then the moon will be full and the powers of the forlorn hope reach the maximum. When that happens the mirror will reflect the strongest desires of whoever looks into it, and it is said that the desire will be granted but the user must give something in return. Only a few people know what that something is, getting our mirror may be pointless if he wishes to destroy the earth" Botan explains. My head sharply turns to look at her.

"He wouldn't do that" I defend him, causing both Botan and Yusuke to look at me. This is the first time I've spoken since we've came back.

"How do you know that?" She askes with a hand resting on her hips, an eyebrow quirked in question.

"I just know, okay, he wouldn't do something like that, it just isn't who he is"

"Are you certain?" Botan questions. "And also from what happened earlier, it would seem you too know each other"

"Let's just say I so happen to be friends with him" I mumble.

"What!, Why didn't you tell us, this information would've come in handy" Botan demands with a stern glare full of suspicion.

"I didn't think it was important at the time" I retort and she sigh in disappointment.

"Anything else you want to tell us?" She questions. I nervously rub the back of my head. I'm definitely not going to tell her about my feelings for him developing into something more then friendship.

"Well we go to the same school"

"I can tell by the uniform" She points out, looking at my clean red uniform that lays beside me. Thankfully Yusuke Mom offered to wash it and sew it for me and let me take a shower and change into a new pair of clothing. I really needed it after all that fighting.

"And we may or may not be next door neighbors" I mumble, loud enough for the two to be able to hear it.

"Winter!, why didn't you tell us any of this?" She yells

"Because I just didn't want too, okay!" I retort. She sighs in aggitation.

"How do you know he isn't dangerous, did you even know his real name and that he was a very well known demon?" She questions with a raise brow . I avert my eyes away from her and shake my head.

"Well not exactly, he never told me" I admit and she frowns at this, about to make a comment about it but I beat her to it "But I had a feeling since I first moved here that he wasn't normal and there was a situation that took place that confirmed to me that he defiantly wasn't normal, he figured out that I was suspicious of him at the time and even confronted me about it, we started off pretty rocky because of it but we were able to talk through them and are now good friends. I just decided not to ask him about his problem and left it alone. I thought he'll tell me when he's ready" I mumble as I gaze back at her.

"Do you even know if we can trust him, I mean he didn't even tell you that his real name is Kurama and that he's actually a demon" Botan inquired, reluctance is in her pink eyes as she remains unsure about him and his motive.

"It just a feeling, trust me on this you guys, I wouldn't be saying this if I didn't have faith in him" I reply as I gaze at them both my stare unwavering as my eyes gleam in determination.

Yusuke nods moments later from seeing the unrelenting look in my eyes "If Winter says he's good then I believe her and besides something tells me that I should trust him as well"

I smile at Yusuke in relief that he's on my side and Botan waves her hand in disapproval, a frown is on her countenance as her brows furrows.

"What in the world are you both saying?, Let's not forget that his dear old teammate might rip you both into little bits" She reminds. Yusuke looks off distantly, his eyes gleamed in reminiscence.

"When we were walking up, they were having some sort of argument and I don't have a clue why but Kurama told the other two that he was leaving, something in his eyes looked more sad" He says, thoughtfully. My gaze lower as I frown. I know the reason why that is, but it's not my place to say.

"I wish I knew more about this guy" Botan says then looks at me. "I'm pretty sure you know more then we do"

"Yeah, I do" I nod "but I won't say out of respect for him, it's not my place to do so"

"Yusuke I made us some dinner" Yusuke Mom happily announces with a smile, interrupting our serious conversation and tense atmosphere. Yusuke blanches.

"Will you two be eating with us, there's plenty of food?" She questions as her gaze flickers to Botan and I in question.

"Oh yes that would be lovely" Botan replies, enthusiastically. I give her a strain smile.

"Yes that would be great, thank you" I thank her and she waves me off. I can't help but be reminded of Yusuke when she do that.

"You don't have to thank me for anything, Winter, this is like the tenth time you've done so today" She grins.

"Can't you knock mom we're in the middle of an important conversation" Yusuke yells, annoyed. His Mom grabs him by the front of his white shirt and picks him up off the bed with ease as she glares at him. So this is where he gets his personality from. Like mother, like son.

"Hey what kind of conversation can't be held around your mother!?" She demandes.

"Well uh" Is all he can say.

"And what happened to Keiko, I thought she was your girlfriend?"

"It's not what you think Mom!" He protests in retaliation. Despite the atmosphere taking a light turn, I can't help but still be worried about Kurama.

Worth Fighting For |A Yu Yu Hakusho Kurama Love Story| UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now