Chapter. 78 The Demon Triad

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Her red eyes only focuse on Yusuke and Kuwabara.

"Which of you stroppy lads will I have the pleasure of fighting first?" She asks, hand on her hip. Her purple painted lips pull back into a smile that dosen't reach her red orbs which narrows as she eyes them.

Guess she dosen't want to fight me then.

"No way!, you are a girl. We can't fight girls, it's against my code" Kuwabara exclaims.

"You might wanna drop that code of honor for now Kuwabara, this woman is in the way and needs to be delt with" I remind him, sternly.

"No!, I would never hit a girl, ever!" He declares and looks at me as an idea hits him.

"Winter you can fight her since you're both girls!"

I blink "sure, I mean an opponent is an opponent no matter what"

I can see her purple aura shift dangerously, not taking too kindly to being blantatly pushed aside, her eyes loses the excited light that was once there and takes on a terrifyingly dull appearance.

"Oh, a gentleman, upon an insecure male seeking to own their woman" She looks at me in disgust "and from the looks of it, I wouldn't be surprise if they own you since it would seem you go along with whatever they say, how disgusting!"

I deadpan at the insult as Kuwabara freaks out, with his hands outstretch in front of him as he takes a surprise step back.

"Whoa!, whoa!, I don't know anything about that okay, guy's just don't fight girls and Winter here is our friend, we don't own her or anything like that" He explains.

"I'll fight her if you don't want to Kuwabara" I offer, a dark cloud befalls me as I direct my heated glares towards her, earning a gulp of fear from my orange haired friend "I just need to have a little chat with her about that comment she just made"

I earn a scoff from the woman in front of us.

"Listen here, I want to fight one of the men in your group, not you" She says in aggitation "honestly I don't see how you can even stand to be around them, they're just like any typical man"

I glare at her for the assumption "well I like them and they're my friends who have accepted me for who I am regardless. That's why I like being around them"

She roll her eyes just as Yusuke takes a confident step forward, brows furrow.

"I'll fight with you"

"Urameshi are you serious?!" Kuwabara shouts as he looks at the detective.

"She's a fighter and she's strong, trying to get in our way. I don't care if she's a girl, or a baby or somebody's grandmother. I'll still knock her out" Yusuke declares.

"Oh I love your style" She says, her voice sounding pleased with his response and jumps back, getting into a fighting position "it's an equal playing field and anything goes"

"I don't know man, I still don't like this!" Kuwabara says to Yusuke "I really think Winter should fight her, ya know"

"Why won't you just shut up!" Miyuki snaps at him "just because I'm a woman it dosen't mean I'm incapable of fighting a man!"

"If I let Winter fight, will you be satified?" Yusuke questions him in frustration, earning a nod from the orange haired teen.

"I'll let you take it from here then, kick her ass" Yusuke gives me a nod and step down.

Miyuki growls in anger "you have got to be fucking kidding me!, you both think I'm inadequate don't you!? Men and their sense of entitlement!"

I narrow my own and take a step forward.

Worth Fighting For |A Yu Yu Hakusho Kurama Love Story| UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now