Chapter. 14 HeartBeat

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Once I enter my own house my smile drops and I take off my shoes and sigh. I just want to head off to bed now and sleep off today.

"How was the study date?" Mom asks in excitement. I look at her with a small smile.

"It went well Mom" I tonelessly reply, voice low and monotonous, lace with a hint of exhaustion from today's endeavors. She stares at me, her face changing into a serious one as her brows furrows.

"Sweetheart, I notice you've been acting unlike yourself these pass two weeks and I thought to give you space and only hope that you will tell your father and I" She says, pausing then proceeds to continue to speak.

"But I know that something has happened, you only get like this when something serious has happened, do you want to talk about it?"

I shake my head and she frowns, knowing that I'm not going to say anything. She delt with this once before.

"Not tonight, I'm really tired and just want to go to bed" I exhale in exhaustion.

"...alright but remember you can always talk to me or your father about anything, anything at all. Remember that we love you and worry about you okay?"

"Okay" I answer with a smile, trying to ease her worries "Goodnight Mom"

"...goodnight Winter" She replies and I walk upstairs.

I hate having to worry them about my problems. I can't help but feel guilty as I walk into my room and get ready to take a shower. While inside the bathroom I take off my school uniform and wince at the nasty large purple bruise on my rib cage. They kicked me twice in the same area too. I lightly trace the bruise, flinching my hand away from feeling pain.

When I finish taking a shower I walk into my bedroom and turn off all the lights. In the darkness I finally let the tears fall and slowly as they fall down my face they begin to change shape and crystalize once they hit the floor into the shape of diamonds. This is the reason why I don't cry in front of anyone. My tears become these diamond gems and I don't know why, my tears started doing that when I was about eight years old. I remember being alone and so scared at first when it happened but overtime I've learned to deal with it. My parents don't know, nobody knows about this but me.

And I intend to keep it that way, I can't have anyone knowing my secret. Who know how they'll react if they find out.


The next day in school. Yuki and the twins notice that despite the threats they gave me I still remain by Shuichi side. We sit by eachother like usual and Shuichi read over some class notes with me. Unfortunately the three girls don't like the fact that I did't take heed to their warning and get up from their seats, approaching Shuichi desk. I tense up in my seat once they are near us.

"Hello Minamino-san" Yuki greets as she slowly blinks her lashes at him in a seductive manner. Shuichi don't look up at them.

"Hello" He curtly nods, not once looking up to give them any of his attention as he looks over the notes that are in his hand. His aura has grown cold and ridgid as well.

"We wanted to ask if you are avaliable during lunch to help us with some of our schoolwo-"

"I'll be busy" He cuts Asami off, surprising the trio at his rather brash response. He's usually polite with his replies. His aura feels agitated as he blankly looks at his notes, green eyes jaded, cold and unwelcoming. I can see the girls slightly shiver at his gaze despite it not being directed at them. No polite smile is on his face, all formalities gone instantly. It's like I'm once again seeing a completely different person.

"O-oh but we've been noticing that you usually go to the roof with Davis-san, Isn't that right Davis-san?" Yuki sweetly questions as her attention turns to me. Malice is in her hazel eyes as she stares me down. I refuse to reply to her, causing her eyes to narrow even more if possible.

"Yeah, you're always hanging around with her" Akari adds in.

"If it's the other way around and she's bothering or forcing you Minamino-san we can take care of it" Yuki exclaims as she looks away from me and the twins nod their heads in agreement. Shuichi eyes sharply averts to look at them, causing the trio to flinch under his cold gaze.

"If you're only here to make idle threats against Winter then I suggest you leave before I take matters into my own hand"


"Leave now" He demands, his voice holds a tone of cold finality to it that sends fear in them and me as well. They glare at me as they take their seats and I silently look at Shuichi in surprise as he continues to casually look over his notes as if what has just transpired merely seconds ago never took place at all.

"You didn't have to do that" I speak a moment later. He looks up at me from his notes, eyes that once held a look as cold as the winter storm now melts as he softly gazes at me. I feel my breath hitch as my heart beat accelerates. I can feel my cheeks warming up and thank whatever is out there for my dark completion because a blush will not be noticable at all which is a blessing at this moment.

"I simply wanted to" He responds. His voice holds a soft tone of honesty as he gazes at me, unwavering "you are my friend and friends help one another in hard situations"

I can't help but give him a big appreciative smile.

"Thank you Shuichi"


Kurama can only stare at Winter. This smile she gives him is absolutely breathtaking. He feels his heart rate accelerate as his cheeks begin to slightly warm up, which surprise and confuse him all at the same time. Elbow on the desk, notes completely forgotten, he places a hand on his cheek and gives her a smile in return.

He starts to wonder what it is she's exactly doing to him to make him feel odd?.


I avoid them in gym and thankfully today is a free day, a day where we don't have to do anything and take a break from physical activities. I stand near the coach, Coach Aoki at all times. I don't want yesterday to repeat itself. She don't question why but enjoys my company as well as the help that I offer her.

The rest of the day went by well. Shuichi offers to walk me home again.

"Thank you"

"You've thanked me more then enough, it's the least I can do for a friend" He responds.

"You...consider me a friend?" I inquire in surprise. I pick up on that earlier in class but didn't say anything about it.

"Yes, if I didn't I wouldn't be walking you home now would I?" He lightly teases.

"I've never had a friend before" I mumble as I stare into the distance. "it feels nice"

I innocently smile up at him, which he returns. We walk to my front door and says his goodbye before heading home.

"Winter I meant to tell you earlier today that I won't be able to pick you up tomorrow. There will a mandatory after school meeting" Mom proclaims once she sees me walk in. I take off my shoes and smile at her as I place them by the door. Her brown eyes widen slightly but then a smile forms on her rouge color lips.

"Oh that's okay, Shuichi offered to walk me home again tommorow?" I reply. Her smiles widen as she waves her hand.

"I can already hear the wedding bells"


"Remember Winter mother knows best, and I predict you two will be married in the near future"

"Surrreee" I sarcastically reply with an eye roll.

"You just watch, when the day comes I'm gonna tell you I told you so" She winks and walks away. I shake my head at her antics and head upstairs to work on homework. As I sit on my bed I begin to think about what Mom said.

'Shuichi and I, together and married. I don't think that will ever happen'

I feel a pain in my chest just thinking about it and tightly grip the front of my red uniform. What the hell is this feeling again in my chest?.

I push the thought of it aside once again, scared of this new feeling.

Worth Fighting For |A Yu Yu Hakusho Kurama Love Story| UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now