Chapter. 8 Melting The Ice

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The next two weeks that follows are rather interesting. It looks like a certain red head is trying to slowly make his way into my life. He has been speaking to me more in class and meeting me up on the roof during lunchtime to eat and ask questions. I grow to enjoy his company and find myself looking forward to it. He seems to value my thoughts and inputs when it comes to describing his aura.

It's the second week of the month of May now and the weather is getting a bit warmer. I've been in Meiou so far for about a month and feel like I'm slowly becoming adjusted to my surroundings, now that Shuichi isn't out to get me anymore. June is just around the corner and summer vacations doesn't start until July 20. I'm silently counting down the days until then.

When morning comes and I get dress and ready to go to school. I hear the sound of the doorbell ringing through out the house. Moments later there is a knock on my door.

"Come in" I say and the door opens. Mom face poke through and she smiles an all too knowing smile.

"Winter, someone's waiting at the door for you" She giggles like a school girl. Sometimes I wonder who truly is the adult in the house between myself, Mom and Dad. I look at her in confusion.

"Who is it?" I question as I grab my school bag.

"You'll just have to see for yourself" She simply replies and leaves. I can hear her heading back downstairs. I can hear the  faint sound of voices coming from downstairs and in curiosity I rush out of my room and stop at the top of the stairs. Slowly walking down I give an inquisitive look to Shuichi, surprise that he is here this early in the morning.

"What are you doing here?" I ask in surprise, an eyebrow raise once I make it to the bottom of the steps.

"I hope you don't mind if I walk you to school today?" He inquires with a smile.

"Oh, that's fine I don't mind at all" I reply and put on my shoes. I can feel Mom excitement from a mile away. I also know she's going to tell Dad about this once he wakes up in an hour for work. I can just imagine how the conversation between them is going to go down. I might as well get prepared for the questions they will ask me later.

"Have a nice day at school you two" Mom says as we walk out of the house. I wave at her while Shuichi gives her a smile and nod and we walk down the sidewalk. Once our houses are out of view I look curiosily at the taller teen beside me.

"So what made you want to do this?" I ask, gesturing at the fact he wants to walk me to school all of a sudden.

"Is this not what two people that so happens to know each other do?" He questions, a teasing tone is in his voice. I quirk a eyebrow.

"Mhmm, what's the real reason Minamino-san?" I question as I take out a green tea kitkat from inside my school bag. I open up the wrapper and break half of it off then begin to munch on it.

"I just wanted to walk you to school today is all"

I can feel that he's being honest. I wonder.

"Hm if you say so" I shrug and drop the conversation. As we continue to walk we came upon a patch of colorful flowers. I falter in my steps and stop all together to look at them in excitement, they look so pretty. Distracted, I don't notice Shuichi looking at me then at the flowers.

"When did you become interested in flowers?" He suddenly ask, interrupting me out of my daze. I start to walk again and he walks along side me. After a moment of silence, I look up at him, my eyes shining in interest.

"It started when I was five, I remember my parents took me to a Botanical park. I liked how pretty all the flowers look and from then on there I started to like flowers and do research on various flowers like, forget me nots, roses, tulips, lilies, carnations, spider lilies, daisies and more. My parents even gave me a book on different plants for Christmas that same year. I still have the book. Flowers are so interesting, Oh and did you know that each flower has their own symbolism?" I ramble on then look away in embarrassment from the realization that I'm talking his ears off.

"Sorry, I'm rambling" I mumble as I awkwardly scratch the back of my head with a nervous grin.

"I don't mind in the least and to answer your question, yes I am aware that different flowers hold their own symbolic meaning" He smiles.

"Isn't it just interesting, the ideal that each of them hold their own meaning?"

"Yes, it's is rather interesting" He agrees. "What is your favorite flower?"

"I don't have a favorite, I like them all" I smile.

We soon arrive at school and he walks me to our first hour class. As I sit down I feel multiple pairs of eyes on me and look over to see three girls looking at me with frowns on their faces as they narrow their eyes at me. I raise an eyebrow and Shuichi notice.

"I wouldn't pay much mind to them" He says and I look away from the girls and at him.

"Yeah, you're right" I reply and begin to unpack.

Lunch time has arrived and Shuichi and I are once again on the roof. While talking I notice that he didn't have a bento box on him. He usually have one with him.

"Hey, where's your lunch?" I ask.

"Unfortunately I left it at home this morning by accident. I didn't realize that I left it until we made it to school"

'Was it because he wanted to walk me to school today?' I think to myself. I can't help but feel guilty.

"You can have some of mine then. We can share it" I offer.

"That's quite alrig-"

"I didn't ask you Minamino-san and besides I have more than enough" I say, cutting him off. He can hear the finality in my voice. He sighs.

"Very well, it appears that you won't take any other answer"

"Nope, I'm way too stubborn. You can thank my parents for that" I smile in triumph and grab an extra pair of chopsticks I keep in my lunchbox. I hand him the chopsticks and place the bento box between us.

"I hope you like it, I made this myself"

He pluck up a piece of tempura with his chopsticks and bring it to his lips. He takes a bite of the tempura as I wait patiently for his answer as he chews.

"So how is it?" I ask, nervous as he swallows it.

"This taste quite good actually" He compliments as he goes in for another.

"Really?" I smile.

"Yes, you did well. I'm impress"

My smile widen and I give him one of my apple juices, which he takes with gratitude. We continue to eat and by the time we finish the bento box is empty. We hear the sound of the bell ring and I begin to pack up. Shuichi gets up and bends down beside me and begins to help me.

"Oh no you don't have to do that" I say with the wave of my hand.

"I know but I want to, it's the least I can do after all you did feed me" He insists with a smile.

I sigh but smile nonetheless."Alright"

After helping me clean up Shuichi and I head back inside. We walk down steps as I speak.

" know since it seem like you've enjoyed the food I made you I can also make enough lunch for the both of us" I nervously offer.

"I'll take you up on that offer" He replies. I look at him in surprise

"Wait really?" I ask with a shock look on my face. We are now in the hallway and walking pass many students who are also trying to get to class. He looks innocently away.


I frown at his bluntness, earning a chuckle from him.

"I'm just simply teasing is all" He chuckles, thumb between his teeth to keep from laughing too loudly.

"Minamino-san!, I might just kick you for that"

Onlookers look on in shock, seeing the usually polite and passive Shuichi joking and laughing with someone. Some of those onlookers however don't like that at all and glares at the girl walking comfortably beside him.

Worth Fighting For |A Yu Yu Hakusho Kurama Love Story| UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now