Chapter. 20 Kazuma Kuwabara

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June has finally arrived and that Saturday Mom, with great hesitation drop me off at the arcade after I begged her. I can see Yusuke waiting for me by the entrance. He grins wide and waves at the both of us.

"Hey Winter, Mrs. Davis" He casually greets.

"Hello Yusuke. Have you been staying out of trouble?" Mom asks with a raised brow. He waves her off half-heartly. I get out the car and walk over to him.

"Yeah yeah, I haven't picked a fight for hour. That's my longest record yet" He grins boyishly while giving her a peace sign. I laugh as I stand beside him. Mom shakes her head.

"You two have fun now, I'll be by to pick you up in two hours Winter"

"Alright, see you later Mom" I wave as she drives off. I turn to look at Yusuke.

"So what do you wanna play first?" I asks. His attention however is elsewhere. He notice the slight bruises on my face and band-aids that are scatter here and there.

"Hey what the hell happen to your face?, looks like you got in a fight" He questions, eyes serious as he looks at me. I sigh.

"That's because I did unfortunately, a couple of days ago five girls at school ganged up on me. Left me some pretty nasty bruises but I fought back, even gave one a black eye and another a bloody nose"

"Nice, what happened to them?" He eagerly asks, wanting more details.

"They ended up getting suspended for the next two months while I had the rest of the days off from school"

"Good to hear, those assholes deserve it" He triumphantly exclaims "Why they ganged up on you anyway?"

"Because I happen to be friends with a guy they all like" I answer.

"What is up with girls fighting others girls over a guy, I'll never understand it" He places a hand under his chin.

"I'll never understand it either. Also I find it funny this is coming from the guy who loves to fight" I tease, thinking about the stories Mom tells me about the troublemaker that's heard all around Sarayashiki Jr High.

"I kick ass just because I feel like it, not out of some petty ass jealousy" He huffs as he put his hands in his jacket pocket. "And besides a lot of people from neighboring schools like to pick fights with me first just to try and prove something but in the end I always win"

"Enough talk about fighting, let's play some games. You still gotta beat my high score at Castle Dungeon Quest" I remind him with a smirk on my face. I can see a flicker of recognition in his eyes as he smirks back at me.

"Yeah, I'll kick your ass this time" He challenges.

"I need to restore my pride since I already had my ass kicked once" I grumble abashedly. Here I am telling him to stop talking about fighting and I'm the one that's bringing it up. Maybe I'm more affected by it then I even realize.

"That wasn't a fair fight anyway, it was five against on but at least you got a couple of hits and that's all that matters"

"Yeah you're right" I mummer in agreement then change the subject all together.

"Let's make a bet. If I win you'll have to buy me something and if you win I'll buy you something. Deal?" I offer as I pull out a hand.

"I like the sound of that. It's a deal" He responds as he shakes my hand, sealing the deal. I smirk.

"Last one inside is a rotten egg" I announce as I run ahead of him, I glance back at him to see the shock look on his face.

"Hey, wait the hell up!" He laughs.

Worth Fighting For |A Yu Yu Hakusho Kurama Love Story| UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now