Chapter. 69 New Concerns Arises

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I've been laying here and watching everything go down from the sidelines, there isn't much I can do.

I hate this, I hate how useless I am.

Yusuke is literally sacrificing himself by using his life energy to save Keiko and my parents.

And all I can do is watch.

Kuwabara, Kurama and Hiei runs in through the entrance.

"Urameshi" Kuwabara says in shock, witnessing him using his life energy against Suzaku. There's a huge explosion that followed and I look away by tucking my face onto the ground.

Once the explosion fades, I look up an see there is no longer a roof at the top of this tower, it has been blown away due to the force of their combined energies.

Yusuke did it, he defeated Suzaku

But in the end it cost him his life. He lays, lifeless on the ground after using his life energy.

Suzaku's spirit energy dissapears from around me and I'm able to crawl over towards Yusuke's lifeless form, tears falling from my eyes and leaving diamonds in their trail but I don't care. My main focus is on Yusuke.

"No, no, no, no you can't be dead, not again Yusuke!" I hiss out, feeling my own heart breaking. Amongst the chaos and disaster, near us, Suzaku weakly rises up and looks at us.

"I was wrong about you once again Yusuke, it wasn't because you weren't human that I lost, I lost because you were, feelings are your power. Touche, human at last I understand" He falls foward, breathing coming to a final halt as he dies. At this point the rest of our teammates run towards us.

"Wake up Urameshi, let's go home" Kuwabars desperarly says, growing worried when he doesn't receive a response.

"I'm sorry, he's expended all of his body energy, his heart is stopping" Kurama informs, crouch down with his hand over the spirit detective chest as he checks.

"I can transfer some of my life energy into him" I volunteer without hesitation "It's the least I can do afterall he gave up his life in order to save us all"

Life energy, Genkai mentioned that to me at one point.

"Life energy?, what's that?" I questioned the elderly woman. We are currently taking a small break from fighting. We're both drinking strawberry hibiscus herbal tea that I made for the both of us, which I also found out she likes very much.

"It's as the name states. Your life force. It's the energy you use when you don't have any spirit energy left, a last resort. Which means when you use it, make sure that it's your last option that you use it wisely. If you use too much of it, it can kill you"

"Oh, okay" I nodded in reply, taking a sip of the warm tea "can I practice how to control it after we finish this tea?"

"It isn't as simple as using spirit energy, do you think you are up to the challenege?, you could be potentially risking your life"

I nodded my head confidently while looking into her brown eyes "I know I am"

She gazes at me for a moment, before a smirk forms on her face "you're starting starting remind me of myself when I was younger, willing to accomplish many things. We'll start with something small, like an insect and work our way up to small animals over the next two weeks"

"Okay, I'll do whatever it takes to get stronger in order to protect my friends, family and those who deserve to be protected"

Behind her tea cup a small smile grace Genkai's face "I know you will, you"ve been doing good these past few months, compare to your dimwitted friend"

Worth Fighting For |A Yu Yu Hakusho Kurama Love Story| UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now