Chapter. 35 Hiei's Appearance

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The doctors can't seem to figure out why I'm sick and now I'm confined to a hospital bed. I've been in the hospital for about a day now recovering my energy. My parents and Kurama been visiting me. I glanced at the banquet of flowers on the window pane he gave me. The vibrant flowers contrasted against the boring and mundane room. At least it was something pretty to look at. Outside is dark, the full moon on display is the only source of light filling the room through the blinds, otherwise it would be dark. I grab the communication device Ayame gave me and contacted Koenma to notify him of my condition.

"Koenma, please tell Genkai about this, I don't want her thinking I'm ditching out on practice" I said to the toddler on screen.

"I'll be sure to relay her the message, you just rest up and get better, congratulations on retrieving the forlorn hope by the way"

"Thanks, but what about that Hiei guy?" I questioned in concern.

"Yusuke will have to face him alone, you won't be able to in your condition" He replied.

"Bu-" I started but he raised a finger, silencing me. At that moment I felt more like a child being silenced by my parents during a scolding, even though the one doing the silencing is a literal toddler.

"No buts, I'm sure Yusuke can take care of this situation with no problem, you'll just get in the way if you fight like this" He said. He's right, I won't be able to fight in this condition. I sadly sighed.

"You're right" I admitted in defeat. "I can't help but feel bad though, he's my friend and I would like to help him"

"I'm sure he understands, now you rest up now, Ayame been worried sick about you since Botan broke the news to her on what happened and your current condition"

"Tell her I'm alright" I said, feeling guilty to have her so worked up about me.

"Will do" He nodded.

"Also I wanted to ask how is Kurama?'" I asked in concern.

"He turned himself into the custody of Spirit world, We are currently reviewing his case, we haven't come to a conclusion as to what means of punishment he will receive as of yet"

"Please don't give him too harsh of a sentence Koenma" I begged.

"Winter you know that the crime he committed is a rather serious one and cannot go unpunished" He reminded me with a pointed look.

"I know, but can you at least take into consideration that the only reason he did it was to save his mother life" I persuaded. "consider it me putting in a good word for him, it the least you can do for me"

He sighed, giving in. "Will do, it seems you care a great deal about him"

"I do, he's very special to me" I sincerely said with a soft smile and nod. "Thank you so much Koenma"

"Yeah, yeah now you just work in getting well soon Winter" Koenma nodded and I closed the device and placed it in my jacket pocket. I laid back in bed and glared up at the ceiling in distain, wondering how long I have until I can leave. I just wanted to go home.

That night I laid in bed asleep. The feeling of an opressive aura caused my eyes to snap open and I averted my gaze around the room, looking for the source of it. The darkness in the hospital room seem too dark, darker than before I fell into my slumber. Something wasn't right about this. I could barely make out anything around me. The aura however never left and continued to grow.

I sharply inhaled a breath as a glowing pair of ruby red eyes glared at me from within the shadows. So much hatred and malice filled his gaze that I forgot to breathe for a moment. By the familar feeling of the aura and eyes I knew that I've come face to face with the demon Hiei himself.

Worth Fighting For |A Yu Yu Hakusho Kurama Love Story| UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now