Chapter. 7 On Stable Ground

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The next few days are the same as before. Shuichi greets me in first hour once again and meet me up again in the roof for lunch. Friday is finally here and we are once again on the roof. This time he dosen't ask many questions and just seem to bask in the silence with me. These last few days his aura felt steady and stable, a nice calm to it's usual erratic complexity. The red and silver are not battling one another.

"You seem stable" I comment, interrupting the silence. He glance at me, his green eyes shining under the sunlight.

"What do you mean by that? He questions in interest.

"Your aura seems to be stable and balance. One side isn't fighting over the other and it looks and feels to have found some solace or common ground....It feels nice and peaceful for once" I murmure.

I notice his passive expression has turn thoughtful, as if he's thinking on what I said. He probably isn't going to reply to my comment so I take this opportunity to change the subject since the silence is getting kinda awkward. I cough, gaining his attention.

"S-so, uh lovely weather we're having huh" I awkwardly stutter. I don't know what to talk about. The weather today is nice however with the sun being out and high in the sky along with a slightly breeze blowing from time to time. He looks at me and owlishly blinks.

Once, twice, three times before he looks down. I can see his shoulders shaking as he begins to laugh. It's not one of his usual restrained chuckles. He's full on laughing and I will not admit it out loud but it sounds nice. Like a warm melody.

"Out of all the things you could have possibly come up with to discuss, you decide to talk about the weather?, how odd" He remarks with the shake of his head, his striking red locks swaying along with the movement.

"Hey you can't blame me, I don't know what to talk about okay" I proclaim in embarrassment. He continues to chuckle.

"It's not funny, you know it's mean to laugh at people right?" I scold with an raise eyebrow. He looks off to the side innocently.

"Yes I suppose it is rather rude, but I can't help it, you're just quite odd"



After school I wait by the grand school gate like always for Mom to pick me up.

"I didn't expect to see you here, I assumed you went home already"

I jump in my spot, turning around, I meet with the face of Shuichi. He smiles, amusement dance in his eyes as he looks down at me.

"Don't do that" I exclaim, trying to calm down my racing heart.

"Do what exactly?" He questions with an innocent expression, however there is a underlying tease to his usually silvery tone. I glare at him.

"You know, sneaking up on unsuspecting people" I retort.

"I would've thought you be able to tell when I'm approaching by now"

"Not while I'm distracted" I shake my head with a small grin "and to answer your first question yep I'm still here. My Mom should be here at any moment"

Just as I say this her car pulls up right on time. Rolling down the window she smiles at both of us.

"Hello Mrs. Davis" Shuichi smiles.

"Hello Shuichi, would you like me to give you a ride home?" Mom asks.

"That would be fine. Thank you" He replies and he gets inside the back seat. I climb inside the front and buckle my seat belt just as Mom drives off. Distract by the thoughts of Shuichi being in the car with me, I don't notice the group of girls by the gates that notice the whole situation.

"So how was school today Winter?" She asks me.

"It was good" I reply while looking out the window.

"Have you been making any new friends so far?"

"...sorta, kinda, maybe"

"Shuichi, has she been making any friends?" She suddenly asks the boy, knowing she isn't going to get a straight answer out of me.

"Yes she has, in Japanese Literature she frequently talks to a classmate of ours. His name is Kobayashi Haru and we've spoken during lunch and learned more about each other" Shuichi politely retorts. They can't see my face, but there is confusion all over it.

"That's great to hear. She always had trouble making friends. I remember this one time I try to introduce her to a friend of mine son and she got so nervous she literally thew up on him"

"Mom!" I groan in embarressment. I remember that situation very clearly, it happened a few years back. My nerves unfortunately gotten the better of me and I ended up accidentally puking on the boy. I didn't see him ever since.

"There was also the time she ended up accidently getting her hair tangled in a bus-"

"The end. No more stories about my childhood. He doesn't want to hear anymore Mom" I exclaim in a strain voice.

I don't even have to look at Shuichi to tell that he is amuse about the situation, I can feel it.

"I actually would like to hear it"

I look back at him with a glare. On his visage is a sly smirk and amusement dancinv in his green eyes. He reminds me of a cunning fox at the moment.

"Don't encourage her!"

When Mom makes it home Shuichi bid us a farewell before walking next door to his house. We walk into our own house and took off our shoes. I take out my bento box from my school bag and walk into the kitchen and clean both pairs of my chopsticks and the bento box.

"So you and Shuichi are finally friends now?" Mom asks once she steps into the kitchen.

"I guess we are" I answer with a inquisitive look on my face though she doesn't notice since my back is facing her.

"Also who is this Haru boy he's talking about?" She continues.

"He's just a guy in my fourth hour class who I talk to from time to time. He's nice" I reply, nonchalantly.

"That's good to hear, I'm glad you're socializing more with other people. For a second there I thought you would've just closed yourself off from people again. I'm glad you're making new friends" She smiles and walks out the kitchen. I stand in my spot, still for a few moments as I think about her words. Before moving here I would avoid interacting with others because of being bullied and treated like a outcast. This is actually the most I've talk to others since moving here, well beside those in my immediate family of course, but I even barely talked to them as well during that time.

After I left the items in the rack to air-dry. I head upstairs to do homework. Dinner time came around. I eat with my parents, they shared idle conversation about work and such, and I say my goodnight before walking up stairs to take a shower and change for bed. Setting up my alarm clock, I want to get up early once again to make the food in the morning for myself.

Laying in bed I let my mind wonder about the day. Today has been unpredictable but overall interesting indeed. From this point on I wonder how things will go.

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