Chapter. 17 Jaded Green Eyes

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First, second and third hour passed by in a flash. Shuichi waited for me by my class door once I'm packed and ready to go.

"I won't be able to accompany you to the roof. I'll have to demonstrate to a few students for our Botany class" He tells me once I stand in front of him.

"Okay, I understand. Take care of your business first, I'll be fine" I smile in understanding.

"I should be able to meet you up there when I'm finish. It shouldn't take that long, perhaps 5 minutes"

I nod my head "Alright. Have fun"

We go our separate ways and I walk toward the direction of the staircase but my steps falters and came to a halt once I see five girls in front of it. Out of the five girls three of them so happen to be Yuki, Asami and Akari. The other two girls are unrecognizable to me. I take a weary step back.

"What do you all want?" I ask as I tense up. Yuki glare hardens.

"I warned you what would happen if you continued to hang out with Minamino-san" Yuki hisses as she clenches her fists. "And not only that but you turned him against us you whore, I guess you giving him a quick fuck or blow job must have done the trick"

I take another cautious step back. The tension builds up as their aura's flares in anger. This isn't going to be good.

"Do you really think he would be interested in someone like you?" Yuki snarles as she looks me up and down and scoffs in disgust. I wince but don't reply as tears threaten to fall but I quickly wipe them away. I can't risk them seeing my tears crystalize. I'm very self conscious about my appearance and have been my whole life due to being made fun of for it so to have them physically pick me apart hurt.

"Just look at you. You're so fucking ugly" Adami says as she cruelly laughs. I feel a hand grab my purple hair and yank, causing me to grit my teeth in pain. A crowd begins to form around us, bystanders just watching, waiting to see what will happen. I slap her hand away from my hair in retaliation.

"D-don't touch me!" I shout.

"He wouldn't fall for someone who looks like you" Akari speaks as I feel her and one of the two unknown girls grab an arm each and hold them behind my back, restricting my movement. I struggle as Yuki walks up in front of me. Glaring down at me, she balls her fist in anger and punches me across the face.

"You're pathetic" She snarls.

"Let me go!" I yell as I feel a bruise form on my face. Struggling even harder, I'm able to get one of my arm free from Akari grasp and elbow her in the nose. She yelps in pain and surprise as blood begins to fall from her bleeding nose but I pay her no mind and ball my hand into a fist and swing at Yuki, hitting her in the eye. She screeches in pain as she holds her bruising eye. She darkly glares at me;livid that I'm actually fighting back.

"You're going to pay for that whore!" She roars in rage.

I gasp as I feel a random kick to my stomach. My breath leave me as I hunch over in pain, another powerful kick to my back causes me to fall to the ground. They all quickly get to work on holding me down by my arms and legs while I'm trying to make sense of what's happening as my mind struggles between dissociating or staying in reality. I look around, pleading with my eyes for someone, anyone to help me but no one makes a move. They just stand there, too afraid to step in.

The bystander effect. Like an old enemy, I've faced this effect plenty of times before.

I scream as I feel someone stomp on my hand. They all laugh as they continue to assault me.


Haru, just getting there to see what all the commotion jd about looks on in horror and panic. He know this isn't right, and that Winter never did anything to deserve this. He needs to find the one person she spends most of her time with and find him fast. He runs out of the crowd and towards the direction to the botany class where he knows the red haired student is at currently.

"Minamino-san!" He urgently calls once he reaches the open classroom door, out of breath. Shuichi pauses from his demonstration and glances to his classmate.

"Yes, what is it Kobayashi-san?" He asks, noticing his classmate dishevel form and the sense of urgency that radiates from him. He concluds that something serious must be happening.

"It's Winter!, she's in trouble!" He replies urgently with a panic look in his expressive brown eyes. Shuichi, without thinking drop what he is doing and quickly leaves the room without a word.

"What's going on?" The teacher asks the student who so happen to be in a frantic panic.

"There's a group of girls ganging up on my friend by the stairwell" He replies. The teacher face turns irgent. A fight in such a prestige school like Meiou, not on his watch. It's unacceptable.

"Hurry up and lead the way then"


Shuichi picks up her familiar ambrosial scent of shea butter and berries as well as the scent of her...blood. His green eyes sees that a crowd has form around the familiar stairwell and he pushes his way through. The sight in front of him causes his mind to go blank, before another familiar instinct slowly starts to make his way through to the front of his mind.

"I would advise you to let her go this instant"

Stoping in their tracks, they all look at the long haired teenager before them in shock, not use to hearing his voice sound like that. Cold and ridgid is what would describe Shuichi voice as he glares down at the girls who holding me down. The shiver, noticing the unfamiliar cold look in his eyes as he glares at them. All the students surrounding them are silent as they look on in shock. They are use to Shuichi being so polite and pleasant. This is a new side to him they've never seen before but then again who wouldn't react the way he's reacting if your friend is being gang up on.

"Minamino-san" Yuki starts, playing innocent. "we can explain, you see she started i-"

"Let her go now" He cuts her off, tone curt and to the point, not wanting to hear any lies she has to spew pass her lips.


The girls who's holding me down releases me from their grips as I cough. I feel a pair of warm hands help me up and I look over to see Shuichi as he begins to analyze my physical state, green eyes searching for potential serious injuries that may need immediate treatment.

"These are the girls who ganged up on her" Haru exclaims as he points to the girls while he say this. The Botany teacher, Mr. Yoshida follows close behind him.

"What do you all have to say about this?" Mr. Yoshida questions as he glares at the girls who so happen to be bullying his second best student.

"But she started i-"

"No she didn't, they're actually the ones who started it" A student in the crowd speaks up.

"Yeah, Davis-san didn't do anything wrong" Another says, joining in.

"They decided to surround her and hurt her just because they like Minamino-san" A random student chimes in "We've witness the whole thing and heard them say they warn her about hanging out with him"

Tears well up into my eyes as I hear a lot of the students taking up for me. Some even glare at the girls and I didn't expect this to happen. I wipe the tears collecting in the corners of my eyes away with the sleeve of my red school uniform before they can fall. Mr. Yoshida eyes looks away from the crowd of students and to Shuichi and I. He analyze me, seeing that I'm slightly hunch over and wincing in pain as Shuichi let me use one side of his body to lean onto as he has an arm wrap around my waist in order to keeping me steady.

My nose is bloody, a dark purple bruise is forming on my face and my hair thay was once in a neat ponytail is mess up. I look batter up.

"Shuichi send her to the nurse's office. You ladies are coming with me to the principal office now!" Mr. Yoshida sternly says and he begins to walk away. The girls follow behind him with their heads down in shame, tears even came down some of their eyes. I let out a silent sigh in relief.

I'm just glad it's over.

Worth Fighting For |A Yu Yu Hakusho Kurama Love Story| UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now